Googlebot Won't Go Home

Written by Tony Dean


I have 'Googlebot' crawl my site every day like a dispossessed spirit that can't leave.

It was not always like this, I would go for a month or more before he came to my site and then would only crawl a few pages and leave again.

This has been going on now for two months or more, I've been watchingrepparttar stats on my server everyday seeing just where he goes. He will crawl a few pages one day, andrepparttar 108747 next some other pages, and then finally leave untilrepparttar 108748 morrow. After just three or four weeks, I noticed I got an infestation of lesser bots calling as well, some I have never heard of before, they seem to follow 'Googlebot' as though he isrepparttar 108749 Pied Piper of Hamelin.

What caused this infestation of bots?

Well, I got interested in rss feeds, I thought "What a good tool for drawing traffic to my site."

So I studied up on rss feeds until I understood what was involved. Now I am no 'techie', andrepparttar 108750 most programming I do is html in 'Notepad', making my own web pages.

Rss feeds use a similar language called xml, so it was easy to understand for me, and I was able to quickly make up an rss feed page in 'Notepad', placed it on my server, downloaded a 'feed reader' software, opened it up, placedrepparttar 108751 address of my feed in repparttar 108752 'feed reader', and up came my rss feed inrepparttar 108753 reader. It was so easy I wrote an ebook to tell everyone how to do it, it's called "Really Simple RSS".

There are many rss directories and syndication services that I submittedrepparttar 108754 address of my rss feed to, so other people can look atrepparttar 108755 feed in their 'feed reader' and see what articles I am posting.

Some ofrepparttar 108756 'subscribers' torepparttar 108757 feed actually come and visit my site to see what it's all about, which happened almost straight away after I submitted my feed.

In less than 36 hours, 'Googlebot' found my feed!

In a little over two days later Yahoo's 'Slurp' bot found my feed, and from there on they have both been crawling my site withrepparttar 108758 lesser bots every single day.

Don't Read This!

Written by Tony Dean

Don't Read This !

I gotrepparttar headline from a public domain book I have just compiled into a pdf file and placed on my server for free download and it was written by P.T. Barnumrepparttar 108746 famous American showman entitled "The Art Of Money Getting". In it he details how he once walked downrepparttar 108747 street past some shops and noticed a large sign hanging fromrepparttar 108748 awning and it simply said in very large letters: "Don't Read The Other Side!" He noticed there was a group of people onrepparttar 108749 other side ofrepparttar 108750 sign looking up and reading 'The Other Side'!

What do you have to do to get noticed in business? If you run a web business, how do you get noticed by potential customers and, importantly,repparttar 108751 search engine robots?

You've probably tried advertising, and link exchanges, and even writing articles. Even chatting on forums to make out you're an 'expert' in your field.

It still is not enough is it?

You really need to network yourself all overrepparttar 108752 web to get traffic to your site.

Let me explain. Search engine's seem to be giving less credence to link exchanges, therefore it does not seem to berepparttar 108753 way to go forrepparttar 108754 future.

Why not instead swap articles with each other, it gives more 'content' than a link any day?

What you can do is place allrepparttar 108755 articles you receive on a separate page, thereby building more 'content' and atrepparttar 108756 same time, other web site owners are placing your articles on their site.

Subject of articles must be 'relevant' torepparttar 108757 theme of each others sites, for example, if you sell paperback books, you want sites very similar to your own to publish your article, and you dorepparttar 108758 same for them.

Start withrepparttar 108759 link exchange partners to exchange articles with, and network from there. I am sure they will agree that it is an improvement on just link swapping.

When you have placed articles on your web site, make it known that these articles can be published in ezines, web sites, or online newspapers as long asrepparttar 108760 'resource box' is left in. It is a slow, but sure process of networking that you and allrepparttar 108761 web site owners who publish your article will be indulging in, but inrepparttar 108762 long run will lead to more traffic to your site. Every web site owner who participates in this idea of swapping articles instead of links, should extolrepparttar 108763 virtues of 'article swapping' on a page on their web site to encourage others to join in.

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