Google Flaws and Fixes

Written by Martin Winer

There have been many criticisms recently of Google and it's page rank algorithm. First, torepparttar criticisms of Google itself.

Has anyone noticed that Google currently indexes 4 billion odd web pages? Very few of us hadrepparttar 128102 time to trod through Google's white paper, but those who did, noticed that 4 billion is Google's upper limit onrepparttar 128103 ability to address or identify and rank web pages. Basically, Google is full.

I noticedrepparttar 128104 problem when my site: wasn't getting visited very often and wasn't being indexed properly. If you have a new site, Google appears to be very slow in adding it and noticingrepparttar 128105 new sites that link to you. Don't take my word for it, feel free to Google search: "google broken" (feel free to noterepparttar 128106 irony).

Technical problems aside, there is a broader algorithmic problem inherent torepparttar 128107 page link algorithm. The basic tenet is that a link from one site to another is a vote for that site. Regrettably that algorithm is only valid in an internet where that algorithm isn't public knowledge. Of course, everyone and their grandmothers know how Google Page Rank works.

As a result we see link spam. Competitors to such as: have created thousands of different domain names that point back to their bread and butter main page. They list 6100 backward links, some of which from similar web domains like: This link spam is insurmountable for a new site with anything less than a gigantic promotion budget. As a result many people are denied a shot at viewingrepparttar 128108 competitors website.

New revolution on Search Engines

Written by Omair Aasim

Aiming to provide users with best search results, free website submission and unbiased website ranking, has launched an open source search engine based on's search. ObjectSearch looks to solve problems related to search result manipulation and information overload.

ObjectSearch claims that their open source approach provides an "alternative to commercial web search engines. Only open source search results can be fully trusted to be without bias." This premise goes againstrepparttar major search engines inrepparttar 128101 methods in which they rank search results.

"All existing major search engines have proprietary ranking formulas, and will not explain why a given page ranks as it does. Additionally, some search engines determine which sites to index based on payments, rather than onrepparttar 128102 merits ofrepparttar 128103 sites themselves.

Objects Search, onrepparttar 128104 other hand, has nothing to hide and no motive to bias its results or its crawler in any way other than to try to give each userrepparttar 128105 best results possible."

Each result that appears on OS's results page contains four different links. They have cached links, which displaysrepparttar 128106 page that OS downloaded. Results have an explanation link that describes howrepparttar 128107 site received its ranking,repparttar 128108 result links feature an anchor link that shows a list of incoming anchors that have been indexed forrepparttar 128109 page in question and finally plain text link - displaysrepparttar 128110 plain text version ofrepparttar 128111 page that Objects Search downloaded.

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