Google Does RSS or How You Can Benefit From Google's New Sitemaps

Written by Titus Hoskins

Google Does RSS

Has Google finally embraced RSS with their new XML powered Sitemaps program? Well, sort of, but it seems more like a hug than a strong impassioned embrace!

It does use XML technology which allows forrepparttar crawling and updating of your site's web pages. You can even include your entire web site (all urls) with this indexing program. For anyone targetingrepparttar 141622 search engines, especially Google, this program (still in beta) is a MUST HAVE.

If you require timely updating of your most popular pages Google's new Sitemaps may prove indispensable. It's a little premature to assessrepparttar 141623 importance or impact of Google's new program but anyone wanting to give their site a competitive edge should be gearing up.

How it works:

There are several ways to set-up a XML Sitemap, perhaps repparttar 141624 easiest way is to userepparttar 141625 open-source Generator which you can download from Google. This is a Python file that you can upload to your webserver and this generator will create a sitemap from your 'URL lists, webserver directories, or your access logs'.

It would probably be wise to check with your hosting provider to see if they can accommodate this Generator on your webserver. It you have a small site there should be no problem but if your site runs intorepparttar 141626 1,000's of URLs or pages - check to see how much bandwidth such a system will take up. It's better to be safe than sorry!

Once done, you have to then submit your newly generated XML sitemap to Google -repparttar 141627 search engine will use this XML sitemap to update and index your site whenever you make changes on your site. You will need to have a Google account.

You may also submit text files containing URLs from your web site to be included in Google Sitemaps but these text files will have or will be given low priority forrepparttar 141628 time being.

To get started on your own Google Sitemaps Account you can click here:

What's great about it:

Besides seeing Google finally grabrepparttar 141629 RSS wildcard, it gives you better control of how and whenrepparttar 141630 search engines update your web site pages. Perhaps,repparttar 141631 most important aspect for Internet Marketers, you can now assign repparttar 141632 importance that's given to any of your particular pages. As most marketers know, certain pages on your web site are more important than others; these pages earn money, build your contact list, or direct your site's visitors inrepparttar 141633 right direction. In other words, you can now place more emphasis on your web site's 'bread and butter' pages. A BIG Plus!

Google Patent Application – Linking

Written by Halstatt Pires

The recent patent application filed by Google details numerous itemsrepparttar search engine uses to rank web pages. The specific application is summarized as:

“A method for scoring a document, comprising: identifying a document; obtaining one or more types of history data associated withrepparttar 141413 document; and generating a score forrepparttar 141414 document based onrepparttar 141415 one or more types of history data.”

The patent application sheds significant light for those pursuing search engine optimization with Google. Patent applications can be difficult to understand, so following are highlights for those that don't speak lawyer.

Google’s Link Evaluation

It is well known that Google uses links as a significant ranking element. Althoughrepparttar 141416 patent application doesn’t disputerepparttar 141417 value of linking, it does highlightrepparttar 141418 best method for pursuing a linking strategy. Simply put, consistently adding links will have a much better effect than adding links in bunches.

Google notes inrepparttar 141419 patent application that it looks at links from a historical perspective. The search engine notesrepparttar 141420 discovery date of links,repparttar 141421 life span ofrepparttar 141422 link andrepparttar 141423 speed at which a new web site obtains links. This approach reveals that Google is discounting quick link exchange strategies such as buying bulk links for your site. Instead, Google appears to consider a natural linking evolution as a sign that a site is “legitimate.”

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