Good Spam or Bad Spam - What's the Difference?

Written by Sara Hardy

"Are you good spam or bad spam?" This isrepparttar question I find echoing in my head sometimes when I am going through my email, as if it is part of some electronic Wizard of Oz. Have you ever given any thought torepparttar 132780 fact that there really is a difference in spam? Not that I am defending anyone, but let me make my point and then you can decide for yourself.

Spam is such a hot issue and no one knowsrepparttar 132781 "right" view of spam that fits everyone. You either: - will take all measures to prevent people from sending it to you - don't mind it at all and happily delete, delete, delete every day - OR hate it sometimes and ignore it other times.

I think I fall inrepparttar 132782 last category, which is what started me thinking about good and bad spam. My point of view has now developed into this:

BAD Spam- -It is bad spam when you reply to it to be removed and it is returned to you becauserepparttar 132783 address is made up. -It is bad spam whenrepparttar 132784 removal link does not open a real url. -It is bad spam when you pasterepparttar 132785 message source into Spam Cop andrepparttar 132786 info you get back before clickingrepparttar 132787 "Send spam report" shows tons of dead ends and made up domains, etc.

This means that this "Cowardly Lion" harvested your address, and went to great lengths to cover their tracks in order not to get caught sending spam.

GOOD Spam- -It is good spam when there is an actual person onrepparttar 132788 other end, apologizing for inconveniencing you.

What made it good spam? Because here is spam that you most likely will not get again, because it is more legit thenrepparttar 132789 bad spam. These people are not out to break any rules, upset anyone, or ruin your day. 9 times out of 10 they really don't know any better and will learn, very quickly I might add.

Also, keep in mind thatrepparttar 132790 Scarecrow in us does not ALWAYS remember every email we sign up for. It is possible to have signed up for something and a week later be flipping out because you are getting email from some unknown. If we only had a brain sometimes (Speaking for myself, of course).

Not Guilty

Written by Bob Osgoodby

We receive such a tremendous amount of unsolicited commercial email (spam) in our In-Box every day, we can certainly understand why some people become "Anti-Spam" crusaders. Sincerepparttar majority is sent with phony return addresses, it is virtually impossible to track them down. While there are ways to find out where it originated, it is usually an exercise in futility, as most come from professional spam houses who own their own servers, and aren't about to shut themselves down.

Most people simply deleterepparttar 132778 clutter, or create filters with their email package to automatically get rid of a lot of it. There are some however, whose primary mission in life is to get rid of allrepparttar 132779 spam onrepparttar 132780 Internet.

Frustrated by their inability to get rid of most of it, they might find a valid email address, and like a hawk seeking its prey, pounce uponrepparttar 132781 offender. They relentlessly pursue their intended victim, and file a complaint with every email address provider they can identify.

Some fanatics seem to take great pleasure in getting someone's domain blocked, or being shutdown by their ISP or email provider. But wait - what ifrepparttar 132782 complaint is not valid. We all know how easy it is to forge someone's valid email address, and many spammers do just this. If a complaint is filed against that stolen address,repparttar 132783 true owner is being unjustly accused. Atrepparttar 132784 very least they will have to defend themselves, and worse case they are shut down. This is wrong.

Others obtain software that parses their email, and automatically sends a complaint to every provider found. Now, having a spastic moment, they might do this with a newsletter they subscribe to, and asked to receive. That means thatrepparttar 132785 provider of every email address found inrepparttar 132786 newsletter will receive a complaint. This includesrepparttar 132787 authors of articles inrepparttar 132788 newsletter, all advertisers who list an email address, as well asrepparttar 132789 publisher. This action will cause people who are not guilty of spamming significant problems. This is unconscionable.

The typical scenario is that someone subscribes to a newsletter with a free email address, and forwards their email to their permanent email address. They receiverepparttar 132790 publication, decide they don't want it, and try to be removed fromrepparttar 132791 distribution list. They are told that they are not subscribed under that address, which is true. Forgetting aboutrepparttar 132792 fact that it is actually being sent to their free account and being forwarded, their level of frustration increases with every copy received, and they fire off their complaints.

People who make unfounded complaints, like terrorists, are guilty of a crime. No, they don't kill anyone, but they could put legitimate people, who are not spamming, out of business due to their complaints. They are, in point of fact, depriving someone ofrepparttar 132793 right to earn a living, and should be legally liable for any damage they cause.

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