Good Night, Sleep Tight!

Written by Aimee Deak

One ofrepparttar most important things you can do for fat loss, controlling weight gain and for overall health is often overlooked. MORE SLEEP! Yes, you actually need to sleep more to gain less!

A lack of sleep could be contributing to America's obesity epidemic. A recent Columbia University study found that not getting enough sleep could put you at increased risk for weight gain.

The study, presented atrepparttar 131312 meeting ofrepparttar 131313 North American Association forrepparttar 131314 Study of Obesity, analyzed data from 18,000 adults and found that those who slept less thanrepparttar 131315 recommended seven hours a night had an increased risk of obesity. People who slept for less than four hours per night were 73 percent more likely to be obese than those who slept for seven to nine hours. Getting five hours of sleep or less decreased that risk to 50 percent, and getting six hours or less decreased it even more to 23 percent.


Written by Aimee Deak

Most people are unsure about how to begin a fat loss program. They have many questions about food choices, meal composition and exercise.

Getting yourself in good physical condition will require willpower and dedication andrepparttar desire to get results. It is not easy to lose body fat. It took a long time to accumulaterepparttar 131311 fat and it will take just as long to remove it.

Remember that you should aim to lose 1.5 to 2 lbs. per week. Lose any faster and you are probably losing water and muscle. Losing muscle is detrimental to any fat loss program because it is muscle that burns calories. THE MORE MUSCLE YOU HAVE THE MORE CALORIES YOUR BODY REQUIRES!

If you lose fat slowly while learning to adopt a healthy lifestyle, you are more likely to keeprepparttar 131312 weight off. And, if you ever falter, you’ll know exactly how to get back to your goal weight without returning to your old ways.

Here is how to start a good eating program.

1. Increase your water intake. If you are exercising, try to drink at least 100 oz. to 128 oz. per day. 2. Limit yourself to two drinks per week. Alcohol slows your metabolism and decreases your body's ability to burn fat by as much at 40%. Empty calories! 3. Decrease significantly or completely eliminate sugar from your diet. If you are a dessert person, treat yourself once a week to something sweet. This includes soda. If you are a soda drinker, switch to diet and only have two cans per day…Splenda sweetened preferred! 4. Eat 5 small meals per day. This isrepparttar 131313 most important factor in losing fat. Eating smaller more frequent meals will speed up your metabolism and prevent your body from going into starvation mode. Each meal should be approximately 3 hours apart. 5. Try to eat a serving of vegetables with 3 of your 5 meals. Vegetables are water rich (so is fruit) and have plenty of vitamins and fiber. They are filling and of course they are good for you. 6. Do not eat 3 hours before bedtime. The evening is when you are least active and your metabolism slows in preparation for sleep. You risk storing late-night calories as fat. IF you are absolutely starving at night, have a few pieces of fat free turkey breast to fightrepparttar 131314 hunger.

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