"Good-Bye To A Friend"

Written by Jo McNamara

It’s strange, but I lost a "friend" on Sunday, February 3, 2002. You might be thinking, "What’s so strange about that? It’s unfortunate, but it’s a fact of life that we will see friends pass away."

What’s so strange is I never met this "friend." Yet this gentleman touched my life in ways I’m still discovering.

The gentleman was Dale Armin Miller, creator of repparttar Internet Marketing Success Arsenal.

I have been a member and affiliate ofrepparttar 121500 Success Arsenal since June 2001. I became a member after reading one of Dale’s articles, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Dale was able to inject his humorous, no-bull, down-to-earth personality into his articles. Read a few of them and you felt like you knew Dale. >From his words, you were able to form a mental image ofrepparttar 121501 person.

Dale andrepparttar 121502 Success Arsenal took someone who had been kicking around with Internet marketing for nine months and taught her how to become a serious promoter.

Because ofrepparttar 121503 Success Arsenal, I took a hidden, life-long desire and acted on it, I started writing.

How to Write A Follow Up Message

Written by Beka Ruse

Smart marketers know that follow up autoresponders drive sales. But, many don't know how to writerepparttar e-mail messages they need in order to use these tools.

Don't let that keep you from increased profits! Write masterful messages with these simple steps:

* Pullrepparttar 121499 Reader in * Introducerepparttar 121500 Product * Explainrepparttar 121501 Product's Significance * Tellrepparttar 121502 Reader to Make a Purchase

(Examples in this article userepparttar 121503 fictional product "Green Garden Lawn Fertilizer". Any similarity to actual products is unintended and coincidental.)

-------------------------- PULL THE READER IN --------------------------

First, convince your audience that your text is worth reading. Make your first sentence or two very interesting: Make a bold statement, say something seemingly ridiculous, or appeal to your prospect's emotional side. Later, tie this grabber in withrepparttar 121504 rest of your copy. For instance:

"Want to make your neighbors jealous? How about with a lush, green lawn in just 2 weeks?"

-------------------------- INTRODUCE THE PRODUCT --------------------------

What isrepparttar 121505 product you're advertising? What does it do? Directly after your grabber, give a compact explanation of your product. Keep this explanation short, while still being very clear. For example:

"Green Garden Lawn Fertilizer is takingrepparttar 121506 landscaping industry by storm. What else can give yourepparttar 121507 lawn of your dreams in just 15 minutes a day?"

-------------------------- EXPLAIN THE PRODUCT'S SIGNIFICANCE --------------------------

What will it do for me? This isrepparttar 121508 time for details - make this section long and rich. Suggest a variety of product uses, and give examples. Makerepparttar 121509 most of this opportunity to directly target your unique audience! Clearly explain how your readers will benefit from your product.

-------------------------- TELL THE READER TO MAKE A PURCHASE --------------------------

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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