Going far, doing great...

Written by Harish Dhingra

In this article I am not taking you far but your thoughts. It's all about a journey of thoughts. Your concentration is ticket for this journey.

Now all of us will ride for our Mission called success. Just hold your thoughts and smile. We will go faster and so far.

Completion of this journey totally depends on your thoughts. You shape your thoughts and you paint your thoughts. Now you get a new color image of your dreams.

Coloring your dreams is not enough to get them. Now start working on them. You have to make them a reality. Just put your brain and heart to achieve them. Learn to stand, whenever and wherever you fall. Falling is not must but standing needs desire and you have it.

Shake the Tree

Written by Jackie Stanley

How would you respond to this question posed by writer Logan Persall Smith?: “What is more mortifying than to feel that you have missedrepparttar plum for want of courage to shakerepparttar 122943 tree?” I believe that, inrepparttar 122944 context of weight management,repparttar 122945 “plum” isrepparttar 122946 attainment of your weight loss goals and “shakingrepparttar 122947 tree” means confrontingrepparttar 122948 truth about why you eat.

The only person who can answerrepparttar 122949 question Why do I eat? is you. Andrepparttar 122950 only way you are going to discoverrepparttar 122951 real answer to that question is to ask and keep asking until you getrepparttar 122952 answers you need. This month, acceptrepparttar 122953 challenge to “shakerepparttar 122954 tree.” Atrepparttar 122955 end ofrepparttar 122956 day, sit down and look back over your food diary. Then ask yourself this question: Why did I makerepparttar 122957 food choices I made today?

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