Going Fishing

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Every year about this time, we make our annual pilgrimage torepparttar waters ofrepparttar 101024 Atlantic to go striped bass fishing. Loadingrepparttar 101025 boat with allrepparttar 101026 essentials, such as something cool to quaff and piles of sandwiches, we grab our rods and reels and sally forth. But wait - did we forget something? Sure did - we need to have bait. What are they biting on this time of year?

Fortunately there is a bait shop onrepparttar 101027 way out, so we tie up torepparttar 101028 dock and go inside. There we talk withrepparttar 101029 owner who tells us they are biting on several different kinds, so taking his advice we buy several. At first we each use a different kind, and if they seem to favor one bait overrepparttar 101030 other, we all start usingrepparttar 101031 one that is attractingrepparttar 101032 fish.

Hmm - sounds familiar doesn't it. We dorepparttar 101033 same thing when trying to lure customers into our online offers. Like in fishing, you needrepparttar 101034 essentials in your business. Our web site and email programs can be compared torepparttar 101035 fishing equipment, but we have to haverepparttar 101036 proper bait. This is where your advertising comes in. Your ads are your bait, and you will need to use different ads to attract different customers.

Writing ads is a skill you must master if you wish your online business to prosper. There has been a lot written about writing effective ads. Sometimes what might be considered a bad ad byrepparttar 101037 pros is one that actually works. Why you might ask? Different styles appeal to different people, and you have to realize, that whilerepparttar 101038 web might provide a level playing field for entrepreneurs,repparttar 101039 likes and dislikes of potential customers are vary widely.

While "Glitz", and exaggerated earnings claims might appeal to some, to others it is a turn off. Wild claims about earnings potential might gather some prospects, but will be an automatic "click away" for others who prefer a low key approach. You must experiment with different ad copy, and keep records of what is drawing.

There are many ways to do this, and some suggest that you have multiple web sites geared towards ads that are running. In your ads, you point your visitors to different sites and by keeping statistics, you can see which ads are working.

"Secrets To EXPLODE Your Sales With Solo Ads!"

Written by A. T. Rendon

The very best form of online advertising is Ezine and Newsletter Advertising.

Andrepparttar best type of ad to place is a Solo Ad.


First, because Ezines and Newsletters are read by people who have requested to receive those publications.

People that read those ezines and newsletters do so because they are about a subject that is important to them.

That creates a niche or target audience for delivery of whatever RELATED message you wish to convey.

A review of newsletter and ezine directories will yield a wealth of online publications that will cover just about every conceivable subject that exists.

For a FREE List of Directories that contain 10's of 1000's: mailto:ezine_dir@emailexchange.org

No matter what your product or service, you are bound to find an online publication that already has subscribers who will fit your niche or target audience.

That makes online publications one ofrepparttar 101023 best - if notrepparttar 101024 very best - places to start your online advertising campaigns.

You can find even more publications by doing a keyword search at your favorite Search Engine or Directory of Newsletters and also for Ezines.

Second, when you get ready to run your ad in any online publication, then you must decide on whether you want to place a Classified Ad, a Top Sponsor Ad or a Solo Ad.

I have been doing business online for over 8 years and I have learned from trial and error that a Solo Ad will pull at least 10 times more response than a Top Sponsor Ad and about 20 times more than a Classified Ad.


Because your Solo Ad does NOT compete with any other ads.

A Solo Ad is a HIGH-IMPACT message that can easily be read and will easily be acted upon.

It is well worthrepparttar 101025 added expense over other types of ads.

And, you can significantly improve your rate of return if you incorporate some ofrepparttar 101026 following principles in your Solo Ad copy:

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