Godless Britain

Written by Arthur Zulu

The Archbishop of Canterbury must hear this: Britain isrepparttar most godless nation on earth! Tell it at Anglican Church. Say it at Buckingham Palace. This is not “A Revisionist History of Britain” by Philip Roth. Nor is it a posthumous work entitled “The Ghost of Anne Boleyn” written by King Henry VIII and published by Hades press. But it isrepparttar 126420 naked truth. (As if truth wears pants.)

This may appear surprising to many. Just as it is easy—very simple—to flunk exams in these days of stranger than fiction occurrences. Who ever thought thatrepparttar 126421 Berlin Wall would tumble, for instance? Or that U.S.S.R. would be “Balkanized” and communism would be no more. (I hope Castro is not reading this.) Or did you ever think that Saddam’s deadly nukes would “disappear” under watchful eyes of Bush and Blair? I can’t even keep up withrepparttar 126422 pace of change in this world.

Now test your knowledge with these questions. Is it possible to find tropical birds in polar regions? Or can a young boy Auckland, New Zealand be madly in love with a girl who he has not seen in Amsterdam, Netherlands?

Of course, if you answer no torepparttar 126423 above questions, it goes to say that you do not know a single thing. And I do not feel sorry for you because I am most to be pitied.

Now take some lecture. You are wrong because eagles are about now diving intorepparttar 126424 waters ofrepparttar 126425 Arctic Ocean and coming out with big fishes on their beaks. (No thanks to global warming.) Andrepparttar 126426 love-stuck boy in Auckland could “feel”repparttar 126427 long hair of his girl friend and look into her blues eyes in far away Amsterdam. (Thanks to Internet and web cam.)

But wait a moment. How did glorious Britain come to earnrepparttar 126428 inglorious epithet:repparttar 126429 most godless nation on earth?

Not thatrepparttar 126430 title is anything new. For example, there isrepparttar 126431 most violent nation,repparttar 126432 most corrupt nation, and many more. In fact, it appears that there is a sobriquet for every country on earth. Indeed Britain has two titles, having previously been namedrepparttar 126433 Dirty Old Man of Europe, owing torepparttar 126434 high rate of industrial pollution in that country. Commenting onrepparttar 126435 pollution of River Mersey,repparttar 126436 Liverpool Daily Post reported that “anyone unlucky enough to fall intorepparttar 126437 river is likely to be taken sick to hospital.” But why is Britain said to be godless?

This wasrepparttar 126438 result of a poll of 10,000 people in ten countries. In that poll conducted by The Times of London, Britain was found to be “amongrepparttar 126439 most godless…, withrepparttar 126440 lowest levels of religious belief and activities.” How did Great Britain,repparttar 126441 country of John Wycliffe,repparttar 126442 Morning Star ofrepparttar 126443 reformation, come to be this way? Considerrepparttar 126444 poll closely.

Forty-six percent of Britons said that they had always believed in God while only two countries, Russia andrepparttar 126445 Republic of South Korea had fewer believers. While more that 90 percent of people in Nigeria, Indonesia, and Lebanon believed that their god wasrepparttar 126446 one true God, only 3 out of 10 in Britain felt equally. In majority ifrepparttar 126447 countries more that 80 percent said that belief in God makes one a better person, but just 56 percent of Britons subscribed to that. Inasmuch as 85 percent inrepparttar 126448 Unites States, 99 percent in Indonesia and 83 percent in Mexico believed God createdrepparttar 126449 universe, butrepparttar 126450 figure was as low as 52 percent in Britain. When asked whetherrepparttar 126451 world would be more peaceful without religion, 6 percent in United States, 9 percent in India, and 11 percent in Israel said yes, but in Britain, it was as high as 29 percent!

You Have a Vital Role to Play

Written by Daniel N. Brown

If you have given your heart to Jesus and confessed Him as your Lord and Savior, you belong torepparttar family of God. Therefore, you are no longer a stranger, but a fellow citizen withrepparttar 126419 saints ofrepparttar 126420 household of God (Ephesians 2:19).

You were called to belong, not just believe! Remember, God said it is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18).

You are a member of Christ's body and you have a vital role to play in your local church. You are a church attender, aren't you? I hope so. The church needs you for God has given a ministry for every believer. 1 Corinthians 12:7 says, "The manifestation ofrepparttar 126421 Spirit is given to each one forrepparttar 126422 profit of all."

There are a lot of Christians who do not attend church because of various excuses. The biggest excuse I hear is, "There are too many hipocrits in church." Well, that may be true, but they are inrepparttar 126423 right place. The local church should be considered a hospital for sinners, or a classroom forrepparttar 126424 learning.

I believe most ofrepparttar 126425 excuses I hear come from people who are in a self-centered state of mind. We have got to understand that we must be as committed to each other as we are to Jesus. After all, He expects us to give our lives for each other. 1 John 3:16 says, "Jesus laid down His life for us and we are to lay down our lives for our brothers."

There is no such thing as a solitary saint. We form one body and each of us belongs torepparttar 126426 other (Romans 12:5). Therefore, we are to serve one another.

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