Goalsetting - How to Easily Set and Get Your Goals

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Which ofrepparttar following changes to your life do you want to make to your life this year?

To have a slim and trim body? Find a stimulating job Take up a sport or hobby Buy your dream home Travel to an exotic destination Have more time with your family Establish your own business Double your income Become involved inrepparttar 104726 community Develop your creativity Improve your skills Create a plan for your financial future Have more fun. Enhance your current relationship or find a new partner. All ofrepparttar 104727 above To help you channel your energy into achieving this year's goals, here are some practical ways to get you started. After all, there is no reason why you shouldn't start immediately, is there?

Goalsetting - Getting Started

Write a list of what you want to achieve this year.

Make sure what you've written down is specific, measurable and attainable. Eg. Lose 5 kgs by 30th April.

Write no. 1 againstrepparttar 104728 most important goal. Write no. 2 againstrepparttar 104729 next most important goal.

Continue numberingrepparttar 104730 rest ofrepparttar 104731 goals.

Look atrepparttar 104732 goal with no. 1 next to it. ie. Lose 5 kilos. Start a separate list withrepparttar 104733 heading Lose 5 kilos by 30th April.

Write downrepparttar 104734 action steps you need to take to achieve this goal:

Join gym Decide which specific days and times you will attend Purchase gym gear See nutritionist

Enterrepparttar 104735 action steps into your diary/electronic organiser onrepparttar 104736 day/s you will do these:

Jan 15th - join gym Jan 16th - book nutritionist Attend gym Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 6.00 a.m. Ensure when you book time for yourself in your diary you treat it as a top priority. Unless there is an earthquake or equally devastating disaster occurring, keep that time sacred.

To ensure your goalsetting is successful, it is imperative to write your goals first and then planrepparttar 104737 appropriate steps to take in your diary. Otherwise your goals could end up being wishful thinking!

Goal/Dream Chart Having visual reminders is a valuable part ofrepparttar 104738 goalsetting process. It's a great way to prompt and keep you motivated to follow through. Cut out a picture ofrepparttar 104739 body you'd like to have from a magazine and stick a photo of your head on top of it. Alternatively if you want to recapturerepparttar 104740 way you were some time ago, find an old photo of yourself. You can place these on your desktop, car dashboard andrepparttar 104741 fridge at home.

Small Business Ideas - Your Image Can Lose You Business

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

What image do you and your people portray to your prospects and clients? Here's a situation that happened to me recently and hopefully you'll glean useful small business ideas that will make you money instead of costing you money.

January is always a good time to grab bargains so when I noticed that two well-known blind companies were advertising 35% off their blinds, I decided to give them a call… and it was an interesting experience.

Company A

This person turned up on time which in itself is a big bonus. She was dressed in a professional way and was very efficient in her manner. I knew what I wanted and all Mary had to do was measure up and providerepparttar quote. She was extremely helpful and pleasant to deal with. I said to Mary to call me in a couple of days as I had also arranged for another company to quote. 'No problem', she said. "I'll ring you then".

Company B

This sales rep. was totally different. He turns up 15 minutes early which is very unusual. I don't mind people arriving a few minutes earlier thanrepparttar 104725 agreed time, but 15 minutes is a bit too early. He should have rung first to see if it was okay. John was obviously a smoker becauserepparttar 104726 smell wafted through my front door before he walked in. That really puts me off. Not only that he was unshaven and dressed in a sloppy manner. John looked like he just got out of bed, got dressed, had a smoke and turned up at my house.

Maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to judge him, however his image gave merepparttar 104727 perception thatrepparttar 104728 company must be very unprofessional to have people like this representing them.

John had no sooner walked throughrepparttar 104729 door, when his mobile phone rang. Instead of switching it off, he answered it and had a conversation for a couple of minutes with someone from his company. I thought this was rude. Wasn't it more important to focus his attention on this potential sale? He could have checked his phone when he left.

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