Goals for Undergraduates: What You Should Know When You Graduate.

Written by Andrea Jussim

I loved college. I majored in a subject which fascinated me, tookrepparttar classes I wanted to, and got great grades. When I graduated, I thought I knew everything I needed to know to succeed inrepparttar 109290 big postgraduate world. I was wrong. Most of my undergraduate classes taught skills which I knew already or which came naturally to me; skills which were harder for me to master I had mostly skipped over. And what huge gaps I still have in my cultural understanding! An academic no longer, I still occasionally think about all ofrepparttar 109291 knowledge and skills which I missed out on, and which would have been useful in both academia andrepparttar 109292 non-academic world.

Here is a laundry list ofrepparttar 109293 skills and knowledge that anyone with a bachelor's degree should acquire before he or she graduates.

Expository writing skills. Every college graduate should be able to write a decent essay on a non-fiction topic. The ability to communicate in written form is important not only in post-graduate study but also in almost any non-academic career if you want to rise to a high position. If writing papers is not your forte, make sure to struggle through enough college papers to know that you can (moderately) succeed at high-level writing anyway. --Relevant classes: Many literature and social science classes require papers.

Basic research skills. If you are interested in pursuing an academic or research-based career after you graduate, you need to gain some experience with serious research as an undergraduate. You shouldn't be afraid of classes which ask you to analyze and synthesize complex data, formulate a hypothesis, and write a paper proving or disprovingrepparttar 109294 hypothesis. If you have fears about plagiarism, creative thinking, extended critical analysis, or research paper writing, you should take a class that forces you to developerepparttar 109295 research skills you need to successfully work through these issues. Make your mistakes in undergraduate study where expectations are low, before you mess up in graduate school whererepparttar 109296 expectations are ten times as high. --Relevant classes: Take advanced classes like a senior research seminar, an honors thesis class in your major, or an undergraduate research assistant position. You can also take less advanced classes outside of your field that require intensive research.

Ability to analyze information critically. This is a key skill that will stand you in good stead forrepparttar 109297 rest of your life. You must be able to sort through information you read and hear to know if it is valid, factual, authoritative, matched to your needs, etc. Taking all information at face value is naive and dangerous. --Relevant classes: A critical reasoning philosophy class or critical argumentation speech class will provide some ofrepparttar 109298 tools for critical analysis.

Spanish Grammar Lessons with Reflexive Verbs

Written by Patrick Jackson


by Patrick Jackson © Patrick Jackson - All Rights Reserved 2004 http://www.learningspanishlikecrazy.com ===================================

Spanish Grammar Lesson Reflexive Verbs and Reflexive Pronouns

This Spanish Grammar lesson covers Reflexive Verbs and Reflexive Pronouns. In Spanish, a verb is considered reflexive ifrepparttar subject (the performer ofrepparttar 109289 action) andrepparttar 109290 object (the receiver ofrepparttar 109291 action) arerepparttar 109292 same.

Here’s an example of a reflexive verb being used in English:

I wash myself.

Inrepparttar 109293 above sentencerepparttar 109294 verb “wash” is considered reflexive becauserepparttar 109295 subject orrepparttar 109296 one performingrepparttar 109297 action (“I”) andrepparttar 109298 object orrepparttar 109299 one receivingrepparttar 109300 action (“myself”) arerepparttar 109301 same. Onrepparttar 109302 other hand, if I said “I washrepparttar 109303 baby,”repparttar 109304 verb “wash” is no longer reflexive becauserepparttar 109305 subject orrepparttar 109306 one performingrepparttar 109307 action (“I”) andrepparttar 109308 object or repparttar 109309 one receivingrepparttar 109310 action (“baby”) are notrepparttar 109311 same.

Spanish reflexive verbs consist of a verb and a reflexive pronoun. The following are reflexive pronouns or objects of reflexive verbs.

me myself teyourself (tú form) seyourself (usted form) nosourselves sethemselves, yourselves

When there is just one verb inrepparttar 109312 sentence,repparttar 109313 reflexive pronoun must come before repparttar 109314 reflexive verb.

Me baño. I wash myself

However, when there are two verbs inrepparttar 109315 sentence,repparttar 109316 reflexive pronoun either comes right beforerepparttar 109317 first verb or followsrepparttar 109318 second verb.

Quiero bañarme. I want to wash myself.

Me quiero bañar. I want to wash myself.

Here are some examples using reflexive verbs.

Me afeito I shave myself

Te duchas You take a shower

Se llama Juan He calls himself John

Nos dormimos We fall asleep

No nos sentamos We don’t sit down

Se enojan They get mad

Se levantan All of you get up

Te cepillas los dientes You brush your teeth.

Literally, “los dientes” means “the teeth” and not “your teeth.” Since we are usingrepparttar 109319 reflexive pronoun “te” it is obvious whose teeth we are talking about. Here some common reflexive verbs in Spanish.

acostarse to go to bed afeitarseto shave oneself bañarseto bathe oneself casarse (con alguien)to get married, to marry someone cepillarseto brush oneself despertarse (ie) to wake up desvestirse (i)to get undressed divertirse (ie)to enjoy oneself dormirse (ue)to fall asleep ducharseto take a shower enfermarse to get sick lavarseto wash oneself levantarseto get up llamarseto be named, to be called mirarseto look at oneself peinarseto comb (one’s hair) quitarse (la ropa)to takeoff (one’s clothes) secarseto dry one’s self sentarse (ie)to sit down sentirse (ie)to feel vestirse (i)to get dressed

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