Goal Setting in Fitness & Nutrition

Written by Brian D. Johnston

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A goal isrepparttar 146522 result or achievement toward which effort is directed. Without setting goals in exercise or nutrition, there is far less value and purposeful direction; and they need to be measurable and realistic. For example, a thin teenager weighing 120 pounds wishing to weight 220-pounds of muscle is both specific and measurable. However, he cannot hope to achieve such a physique, especially not soon and probably not without growth-enhancing drugs. Therefore, in this instance,repparttar 146523 goal to gain 100 pounds of muscle is specific, it is measurable, but it is unrealistic.

Non-measurable goals, such as "I want to lose fat and get lean," will never be realized sincerepparttar 146524 term "lean" is subjective with no objective measurement. What is lean to one person may not be lean to another... or perhaps it is "too lean". Oncerepparttar 146525 individual obtains a supposed state of leanness, will that person know that he has achieved that goal or will his perception of what he thinks is "lean" change because of higher standards and greater expectations? Onrepparttar 146526 other hand, if a trainee indicated that he wants to reduce body fat to a level of ten percent, then he has a measurable goal – one that can be quantified.

Next, to achieve goals better, trainees must provide a measurement and do so inrepparttar 146527 smallest amount necessary and within reason relative to past accomplishments. Don't aim for something greater than you could ever have achieved inrepparttar 146528 past. Moreover,repparttar 146529 more distantrepparttar 146530 goal, andrepparttar 146531 smallerrepparttar 146532 increments,repparttar 146533 more likelyrepparttar 146534 success of obtainingrepparttar 146535 goal. But it should be noted that a goal must require some degree of effort and challenge. Ifrepparttar 146536 goal is too small or easy to obtain, there is little incentive or sense of accomplishment or pride.

Goals can be measured in terms of outcome and performance. An outcome goal refers to that which a person is aiming to achieve, such as lifting five pounds more inrepparttar 146537 bench press next workout or a far greater weight overrepparttar 146538 course of several months. There is little flexibility in this type of goal – either it is achieved or it is not. Performance goals refer torepparttar 146539 process through which a person achieves those goals, including bothrepparttar 146540 short- and long-term. Performance goals are much more flexible, and allows a person to reorganize a strategy from day to day in order to meetrepparttar 146541 outcome goal(s). Performance goals are associated with less anxiety, since there is flexibility and, as a result, should be emphasized in an exercise and nutrition program. It can be upsetting not to achieve an outcome goal, but if allrepparttar 146542 steps leading up torepparttar 146543 outcome were done torepparttar 146544 best of your ability, it is easy to maintain motivation in preparing forrepparttar 146545 next outcome goal.

When determining a long-term goal, a strategy of immediate, short-term goals (performance goals) must be considered. For example, if you desire a ten-pound increase onrepparttar 146546 best bench press, how will you get there? This is accomplished by creating a workout schedule, a long-term plan of increasing "x" pounds/ounces torepparttar 146547 bar each workout until you achieverepparttar 146548 extra ten pounds. The plan may need to be reevaluated then re-designed – particularly if you fail to increaserepparttar 146549 weight by "x" pounds/ounces during one ofrepparttar 146550 workouts, and falling short inrepparttar 146551 end. It could be further stated that creating a goal strategy in exercise is very similar to a marketing or business plan in that goals may be established, but they may also need reformulating on a regular basis to reflect current facts of finance,repparttar 146552 economy, sales, customer satisfaction, etc.


Set Specific Goals. The goal must be measurable, such as "bench press 275 pounds" by a certain date rather than "increaserepparttar 146553 bench press" and without a concrete date in mind.

How To Choose A Stress Test

Written by Trevor Dumbleton

Copyright 2005 Trevor Dumbleton

Many people in this world need to take a stress test. These tests can take many forms and are designed to search for different things, but they all have one key goal: they want to see how you are doing. Merely taking a stress test can be a kind of stress all its own, but it does not have to be. And by understanding stress tests, you can understand more fully what they are designed to do.

The first kind of stress test is simply a pen and paper test. These tests will often ask you about certain things you do, where you are in your life, what you are concerned about, and what is going on around you. These stress tests are very easy to take, thoughrepparttar results can often be more than a little surprising. These tests are designed to root out stress in its many forms and arerepparttar 146477 most common form of stress test.

There are many stress tests out onrepparttar 146478 Internet, though many of them will not be particularly useful. Some are designed to be scientific but are not backed up by research, or some may simply be jokes. However, there are a few out there that can be very useful. Unfortunately, many are also very subjective andrepparttar 146479 answers you give may not be all that useful.

If you would like to take a stress test, your doctor can point you inrepparttar 146480 right direction. There are many valid and very useful stress tests out inrepparttar 146481 world and they can give you and your doctorrepparttar 146482 answers that you need to help you determine how you are stressed and how to manage it. Thus, your doctor isrepparttar 146483 best place to start andrepparttar 146484 best place to find answers to all that is troubling you.

Another type of stress test isrepparttar 146485 exercise stress test, also known as a cardiac stress test. These tests involve putting a person on a treadmill at a slow walking pace, then slowly increasingrepparttar 146486 speed untilrepparttar 146487 person is at a jogging or running pace. In these tests, people are usually hooked up to electroencephalographs and usually breathe through a tube in order to study heart rate and breathing. These tests are effective for studying how well a person's heart and lungs are working in order to see if there are any coronary problems.

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