Goal Setting – Road Map to Success

Written by Roger Clark

Goal Setting & Research

You can only set informed career goals if you acquire plenty of information aboutrepparttar career choices open to you. This will require research which can be conducted online or through a local library. You can also visit professional career planning offices to find out aboutrepparttar 106962 services they offer.

While goal setting, you should consider all possible alternatives available to you

Maybe some career that you never thought of before, will appear asrepparttar 106963 right choice for you.

Goal setting can give yourepparttar 106964 direction that ultimately leads you to achieving your desired career goals.

Job seekers looking for a transition into a new career need to take time to begin their goal setting process.

Types Of Goals

There are two types of goal setting, short term and long term. Short term goals arerepparttar 106965 things you want to accomplish before three years. Long term goals arerepparttar 106966 things you will be working to accomplish through many years.

Besides your professional goals, you should also take into accountrepparttar 106967 personal goals you want to accomplish over a period of time .

Your personal goals may involve your family, relationships, travel, education you want to complete and leisure time you want to set aside. Your personal and professional goals are intertwined and are an important part ofrepparttar 106968 goal setting process.

It Is Impossible To Raise Your Standard Of Living Working A Job

Written by Walt F.J. Goodridge

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.

Why It Is Impossible To Raise Your Standard Of Living Working A Job The Case For Becoming A Passionpreneur! by Walt Goodridge, author of Turn Your Passion Into Profit approx 600 words

            Everything in nature has been endowed with what it needs to survive. There is no living thing that isn't inherently equipped withrepparttar 106961 skills and abilities it needs to secure its continued existence. Whether through instinct, size, camouflage or speed, no gazelle, lion or giraffe  has to go to trade school to learn how to survive. That’srepparttar 106962 beauty ofrepparttar 106963 divine plan. We, as humans, are part of this plan and each one of us is given something that sets us apart from everyone else; something that we can use to ensure our own survival. Before industrialization sent hoards of us torepparttar 106964 cities to work on assembly lines in factories, we all used something we did or owned to exchange forrepparttar 106965 things we couldn't do or didn't own. Experts say that beforerepparttar 106966 Industrial Revolution, 80% of us where entrepreneurs.

            Unfortunately, because we now live in a capitalistic society, we rarely have a chance to be rewarded forrepparttar 106967 extraordinary potential we bring torepparttar 106968 universe. Instead, we are rewarded forrepparttar 106969 lowest common denominator--something we share with just about everybody else; our time and your presence. Think about it. You're paid simply for showing up to a job for a certain number of hours to do a job which somebody else could just as easily do; It's this replaceability that ensures thatrepparttar 106970 big business—which competes on price—can stay in business. If people were compensated based onrepparttar 106971 real value of their "talents" big business couldn't survive.

So even if he or she wanted to, no employer can or will ever pay you what you're worth. You can beg for a raise every year, work more hours, or go on a constant quest forrepparttar 106972 next higher paying position in an effort to improve your life, but conditions will invariably stayrepparttar 106973 same. The only way to really raise your standard of living is to leverage your talents, your gifts, your interests and your hobbies to create a product or service that you can sell to increasing numbers of people and free yourself fromrepparttar 106974 cycle of trading time for money. You need to become a passionpreneur and turn your passion into profit! By taking this bold step, you’ll joinrepparttar 106975 ranks of a unique group of people I call “Passionpreneurs.”

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