Goal-Resolve to Get Organized

Written by Janet L. Hall

Goal-Resolve to Get Organized By: Janet L. Hall ===========================================

Many people make New Year's resolutions, only to break them within a week or a month afterwards.

Many people either do or do not set goals for themselves. Some people have no idea how to set goals.

So, let's look atrepparttar difference between resolutions and goals.

"Webster's New World Compact School and Office Dictionary" copyright 1994, offers these definitions:

~~ Resolution - 1)repparttar 111611 act or result of resolving something 2) a thing determined upon; decision as to future action 3) a resolute quality of mind 4) a formal statement of opinion or determination by an assembly, etc.

~~ Goal – 1)repparttar 111612 place at which a race, trip, etc. is ended 2) an end that one strives to attain 3) in some games, a)repparttar 111613 line or net over or into whichrepparttar 111614 ball or puck must go to score b)repparttar 111615 score made.

Notice # 2 in each definition and let's use 'losing weight' as our example. (I use this as an example because it is repparttar 111616 number one New Years resolution).

The statement "I'm going to lose weight this year" doesn't really have any meaning, focus, or structure.

The statement "I have determined that I need to lose weight and will walk one mile three times a week so that I can wearrepparttar 111617 new dress/suit that is too tight."

Seerepparttar 111618 difference? See howrepparttar 111619 second statement has more clarity and structure?

We have determinedrepparttar 111620 problem, decided onrepparttar 111621 action we want or need to take, and what end we are striving to attain.


Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Everyone enjoys a night out. Days are filled with commitments, obligations, meetings, errands, chores, and a myriad of other responsibilities that color our daily lives, even our very existence. To step back from this cycle of activity and go to a restaurant, have someone else serve you, cookrepparttar meal, washrepparttar 111610 dishes, and clean up is a mini-vacation we all can appreciate.

When you dine out, you can’t leave your good sense or your healthy eating habits onrepparttar 111611 wayside, to be picked up when you return home. It doesn’t make sense to work so hard to attune yourself to health-wise eating habits, and possibly undue allrepparttar 111612 good work with one calorie-laden, overly fat, sugary, and empty calorie meal. Your heartburn will gladly remind you of your sins.

When you go to a restaurant, eat smart. There are a few tips so that you can thoroughly enjoy your evening, and go home refreshed, relaxed, and in great health. You will have nothing to be sorry for from a nutrition standpoint and you won’t have to runrepparttar 111613 high school track field to get back torepparttar 111614 point you were at before you had dinner “out.”

Salads are great accompaniments to any meal. Ask for your choice of dressing onrepparttar 111615 side. This way you are sure you are in control ofrepparttar 111616 amount that is poured ontorepparttar 111617 delicious salad ingredients that should be appreciated for their particular taste. Two to three teaspoons of dressing on a side-plate salad is an ample addition to your salad. You can also ask for oil and vinegar cruets and mix your own dressing.

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