Ok, gang; it's time to get our mental vision checked. Not your physical vision, that's not what I'm talking about. Mental vision, just like physical vision, can become cloudy. And then would you like to know what happens? Don't miss this. You end up about as lucky as only man in a women's prison with a fist full of pardons. Nah, I'm kidding, Or…. am I? :>) don't you get mad at me now.
Let's see, said blind man!
The two most common weaknesses of our physical vision are nearsightedness and farsightedness. To use an analogy we could say that these same two conditions are our biggest problems with mental vision.
A person who is mentally nearsighted is prone to ignore and overlook problems and possibilities that are distant. He is totally obsessed and focused on problem and possibilities that are right in front of him.
He is oblivious to problems and possibilities that he might encounter in future. To him, future seems about as important as a screen door on a submarine.
He couldn't care less about future. He doesn't think or plan in future terms. The future to him is a whole new ball game because he can't see beyond end of his nose.
Well, what about his cousin?
Ah, yeah. On other side, mentally farsighted person is prone to ignore and overlook problems and "possibilities" that are right in front of his face. He is totally oblivious to problems and possibilities that are about to eat him.
Have you ever heard cliché, "if it were a snake it would have bit him"? Yep, that's our farsighted friend; a real mental giant.
He's somewhere off every day in fairy land; A dream world of Peter Pan and Disneyland. He wants to start out at top of his company. He would never be happy cleaning toilets. The only job he would take is where he could start out at top; never realizing only job like that is digging a hole.
Can't see forest for trees!
In process of examining our mental vision, we need to develop both our far sight and our near sight. The advantages to a person who can see what is right in front of him are great. Are there possibilities all around you right now that you are overlooking? Are there things in your life everyday that you scoff at because they look like a Duck?
Fortunes were made off of a little thing called a paper clip. A fortune was made off of another thing called a bobbie pin; all because someone dared to not only see with their eyes, but, also to see with their mental vision.
Throwing Out The Baby With The Bath Water!
A mentally farsighted person would probably never have discovered something as trivial, yeah right, as a paper clip. Remember he is always off somewhere in never never land trying to discover Rock of Gibraltar. Now, this is assuming that his near sighted mental vision is all backed up like a toilet.
If he recognizes that some things that look like a duck and quack like a duck just might be a duck, then this guy could be crying all way to bank.
Well, ain't that just cat's pajamas?