Go On ! Give your Enemy a Hug

Written by Robina Hearle

Go On ! Give your Enemy a hug!

Give your enemy a hug! Another preposterous idea from yours truly, evenrepparttar thought makes some people shudder. My husband had been having difficulty with an old mate, whenever he met him there were sneers and snide comments. A feeling of animosity generally pervadedrepparttar 128584 atmosphere between them. So, Jeremy my husband, set about imagining giving this fellow a hug. In his mind he set a scene and in it he frequently gaverepparttar 128585 old mate a hug. The next time he met this mate inrepparttar 128586 flesh,repparttar 128587 change was amazing! Gone wererepparttar 128588 sneers and snide remarks-repparttar 128589 problem had been healed. I have tried this myself since then and believe me, it really works! The power of unconditional love is amazing, and it is free. It just takes a small amount of your time. Have a go and see. So, to move on a step further, after you have given your worst enemy a hug, how about giving yourself a hug? Imagine yourself as a small child, allow that small child to climb up onto your knee and hug him or her. Do this at every available opportunity when you have a quiet time. Imagine playing with that child inrepparttar 128590 playground or onrepparttar 128591 beach. See what happens torepparttar 128592 inner you. You will find that you begin to grow as a person, you move on as your capability to love and like yourself blossoms. Consequently, your ability to love others will also grow. The tough bit about what I have said is – why does your enemy upset you so much? What is it about them that you do not like/resent? The answer is they are mirroring [showing] to you something about yourself that you do not like. They are doing you a service actually [so you should say ‘thank-you’] but it is often very hard to see this. Your own deep integrity and innate honest with yourself has to come into play before you can see [and accept] what that person is showing you. Nobody likes to think ill of themselves, but you don’t have to judge it when you do. None of us are perfect; we all have flaws,repparttar 128593 dark side as well asrepparttar 128594 light. Everyone, hasrepparttar 128595 same fears deep down, we are allrepparttar 128596 same. We all believe we are not good enough: that love equals pain: thatrepparttar 128597 world is not a safe place. We all fear that we lack love, abundance, joy and safety.

What Do We Do With All These Emotions?

Written by Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls

It is part of being human to experience emotion.

"Before you can inspire with emotion, you must be swamped with it yourself. Before you can move their tears, your own must flow. To convince them, you must yourself believe." - Winston Churchill

All things in this manifested reality and beyond have purpose and meaning. Even emotions have purpose. If it were not forrepparttar emotion of anger, what would motivate us to change? The emotion of fear freezes us in our tracks and makes us unable to pursue unknown higher ground. Even babies and animals feel emotions and it is a natural element of life. Yet so many people wish to not have this natural experience.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience isrepparttar 128582 mysterious. It isrepparttar 128583 source of all true art and science. He to whomrepparttar 128584 emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." – Albert Einstein

Fear has gripped us so many times that we would rather close our hearts away in bubble wrap than to takerepparttar 128585 chance on feeling anything at all. So many people today think they are happier inrepparttar 128586 windless doldrums of life’s ruts than they might be with their sails full and billowing, travelling along life’s paths. But emotions have a reason for being. They arerepparttar 128587 tool for manifesting what you want from this world. When used correctly with knowledge and practice, emotions becomerepparttar 128588 propellant for abundance, health and peace.

Have you ever seen people in fervent prayer; not just reciting by rote some words they do not pay attention to but rather full of emotion and longing? Do you think that perhaps those prayers have more power than others? Considerrepparttar 128589 athlete who is seeking excellence in his or her sport. They compete with fervor, with excited anticipation of their victory. Without emotion they would probably not do as well. Picturerepparttar 128590 concert pianist performing his difficult sonata before a large crowd. He is involved inrepparttar 128591 music, playing with emotion and fully absorbed in his craft. These people are using emotion to be better, more successful, to manifest their intentions of success, abundance and joy.

But they didn’t just start atrepparttar 128592 end. The emotions they use have been honed and stretched, explored and controlled to work in their favor. And no one can use emotion to propel their desires if they are not in touch with themselves emotionally.

The Shamans in South America use emotions constantly. They laugh atrepparttar 128593 drop of a hat. Sometimes you cannot even tell what was so funny; something seen or considered only by themselves. They feelrepparttar 128594 energies around them both positive and negative and feel those energies emotionally. They go from happy to sad to introspective to outgoing, flowing throughrepparttar 128595 wide range of emotions they feel from both inside and from forces around them. They are highly in tune withrepparttar 128596 emotional nature ofrepparttar 128597 earth and its peoples. They could not and would not possibly consider shutting themselves off from this huge wellspring of life. And in their learning and growing they also learn to control these emotions and use them as catalysts when performing healing rituals or bringing solutions to problems.

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