Go Kart Frames - Choosing the Right One for You

Written by Michael Walker

Karting enthusiasts emblazonrepparttar image ofrepparttar 102675 perfect chassis in their minds: lightweight, yet powerfully durable material capable of launching a kart forward withoutrepparttar 102676 slightest wear or tear. Rare material that comes withrepparttar 102677 likes of professionally built popular race-cars likerepparttar 102678 illustrious McLaren. What about karts that could rip through side turns at speeding bullet speeds without raising a wheel a centimeter aboverepparttar 102679 ground, gliding swiftly like a falco such asrepparttar 102680 futuristic cars in I, Robot? And along with perfect frames comes perfect tires, tires “grooven” to perfection providingrepparttar 102681 finest traction and downright freakish controls when runningrepparttar 102682 curve.

Let’s discussrepparttar 102683 intricacies and place a perspective on frames for your go-kart. The chassis as it is called in professional and enthusiast circles, is by farrepparttar 102684 most important piece of this machine. The construction is paramount in maintaining a solid go-kart. What constitutes a frame? Think of a frame simply as parts holding a component together. Inrepparttar 102685 case of these speedsters,repparttar 102686 frame is welded together by torsion bars. Stiff frames are a result of shorter bars crossed together, and more flexible frames are associated with longer bars.

Stiff frames that do not provide flexibility wererepparttar 102687 backbone of earlier go-karts and broke down easily. First off, simpler go-karts do not haverepparttar 102688 specifications needed (most important, suspension and tire traction) to easerepparttar 102689 punishment frames go through while turning, accelerating, and stopping. Running on 2 or 4 cycle engines does not help compensaterepparttar 102690 health of a frame. A lack of traction on your tires will cause uneven weight transfer and stability on your frame, ripping one or both sides loose atrepparttar 102691 same time. In essence,repparttar 102692 frame is responsible for determining how well your vehicle moves zipping on asphalt, concrete, or dirt – dictating your performance on wide turns and shorter turns.

A sturdy, well-built frame isrepparttar 102693 key to manoeuvring well onrepparttar 102694 track, especially when turning. Wait, isn’t a frame supposed to be resistant torepparttar 102695 rigors and demands of punishing your go-kart as it explodes forward? Of course – butrepparttar 102696 most important criteria for an excellent frame is to negotiate turns well. Frames are directly responsible for how well go-karts turn left and right. Weaker go-karts with cheap components are known to slide and drift along turns – in some instances, flipping to its side entirely with careless driving. “Side bite” is referred to keeping a go-kart planted torepparttar 102697 track without sliding. Withoutrepparttar 102698 proper frame, go-karts will manoeuvre out of control, even shutting off in some cases due to over pressure torepparttar 102699 engine.

The design ofrepparttar 102700 go-kart chassis has everything to do with how well it moves on turns and maintaining side bite. Ifrepparttar 102701 width ofrepparttar 102702 rear rails (go-kart frames constitute front rails and rear rails) is narrow, with measurements ranging from 24¨ to 25¨ - from “kingpin” to “kingpin”,repparttar 102703 ends ofrepparttar 102704 rail – it will have less side bite. Wider rails barely ever exceed 30¨ on standard go-karts. The dynamics ofrepparttar 102705 front and rear rails can be effectively pictured using this example: suppose you had two bottles – a two-gallon jug and a 16 oz. Water bottle. Giving it a swift, hard poke to its side – which container hasrepparttar 102706 best chance of tipping to its side? If you guessedrepparttar 102707 water bottle, you guessed right! Wider rails provide stability and “foundation” while turning, reducingrepparttar 102708 side bite overall.

Synthetic Lubricants Mean Less Dependence on Foreign Oil Consumption

Written by Steve Danielson, Lessforeignoil.com

As big oil companies continue to grow bigger, foreigners arerepparttar ones who get most ofrepparttar 102674 money. If you own a lot of oil stock you may be happy, butrepparttar 102675 rest of us can only grumble when we see prices jump higher atrepparttar 102676 pump. The gas station isrepparttar 102677 easiest way to see howrepparttar 102678 rising cost of oil affects us, but there are many hidden costs, too.

Much ofrepparttar 102679 world’s oil now comes fromrepparttar 102680 middle east. We are able to see on a daily basisrepparttar 102681 price of being dependent on another part ofrepparttar 102682 world forrepparttar 102683 energy we have come to rely upon. The wars in that region may not be for oil specifically, but if there was no oil, there would be considerably less money to make war. Most ofrepparttar 102684 oil money goes to a few people who are in control. The majority ofrepparttar 102685 people inrepparttar 102686 oil rich countries remain poverty-stricken and greatly resentrepparttar 102687 wayrepparttar 102688 cash flow does not improve their lives.

For every dollar we spend on gasoline or oil, a significant portion goes to companies paying taxes in foreign countries. In muchrepparttar 102689 same way that it hurts our country to lose jobs to foreign corporations, our economy suffers greatly when we buy foreign oil.

The U.S. population consumes an incredible amount of energy. For most of us, mobility is necessary to live our daily lives. We drive to work each day; chauffer our children from place to place, and rely heavily upon rental and company cars for business travel. In a more perfect world, mass transit or bicycles would be much better, but with frequently changing jobs, nomadic lifestyles and hectic schedules, these options are hardly practical.

Many people complain aboutrepparttar 102690 price of gas,repparttar 102691 war andrepparttar 102692 terrorists who are funded by oil money. Instead of enablingrepparttar 102693 situation, let's make some changes forrepparttar 102694 better.

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