Global Revolution: Find the Right Overseas Partner Written by Laurel Delaney
Dream of seeing your product in stores around world? Unless you have years of international experience, you'd be wise to find some overseas distributors. Otherwise, your unfamiliarity with foreign business customs could stall your efforts.The most helpful distributors will buy products from you, then warehouse, distribute, and sell them to customers. They'll also handle customer service. (Note: These folks are not always called distributors. In Japan, they're known as wholesalers.) Networking among trusted business colleagues is best way to find a reputable distributor. If you don't have many overseas contacts, take heart. The U.S. government offers an alphabet soup of programs that are designed to help small business with this -- and many of them actually work. The U.S. Department of Commerce ( offers a wealth of resources through U.S. Export Assistant Center, International Trade Administration (, and U.S. Commercial Services ( Want to research potential markets? Contact ITA's Commercial Information Management System (CIMS), which collects data that will help you track down your target customers. Ready to pair up with a partner? Call The Matchmakers Service, offered by both DOC and ITA. It introduces new export companies to agents, distributors, or large retailers with an interest in their products. Similarly, Agent Distributor Service finds qualified distribution firms that are currently handling products similar to yours. An ADS search will generate up to six names of distributors who have an interest in specific U.S. products. Smaller companies with bigger budgets should also check out The Gold Key Program, which will introduce you to pre- screened potential business associates, whether you are seeking an agent, a distributor, or a joint-venture partner.
| | How to Make Nice Money Searching Useful ProgramsWritten by Elmar Alex
This brilliant program really impressed me! It’s elegant, user-friendly, easy-to-work, enjoyable, and profitable. It lets you kill two birds with one stone: you make nice cash and at same time get a lot of useful and interesting information. Surely you won’t regret signing up with NITROCLICKS. We all have tried pay-per-click and get-paid-to-read programs. The idea of this kind of programs is nice but money paid is very modest. Usually it’s not more than $0.10 per e-mail read and something like $0.02 per click. With this rate of money you soon become tired of clicking and reading. NITRCLICKS pays you between $0.30 and $6 (!) per task done, task being to visit web site or number of pages or to get registered in a program. Suppose you have 4 tasks done $5 each. It takes around 5 minutes to register in a program. So you spend 20 minutes and make $20. Isn’t it nice? But at same time you get to know about useful online programs you would be searching anyway. Because you need good products and services to sell online to get commissions, and you need promotional tools to boost your businesses. When I joined NITROCLICKS I already was a member of several such programs. Then I suddenly realized that I could have joined them through NITROCLICKS and could’ve earned about $50 just for registrations. Of course all my registrations were free, but I feel I lost $50! NITROCLICKS project was opened in September 2000 with intention to create an exchange of information between advertisers and program members so it was beneficial for both parties. In fact it is beneficial for both parties. The program members make nice money and at same time visit sites they want to view. It’s because when you fill in NITROCLICKS registration form you are asked about sites you prefer to visit. Thus it’s sites of your choice which you visit: business opportunities, health, sports, travel, etc. That’s why I say you kill two birds with one stone – you get money and you get valuable information you are looking for.