Giving Up Too Soon

Written by Skye Thomas

So you feel beaten up and bruised and you're ready to quit. You have no support system orrepparttar one you have is pathetically inadequate forrepparttar 122898 goals you've set. You're so tired thatrepparttar 122899 couch is looking more and more inviting everyday. You have bills piling up and you probably ought to get a real job anyway. The failure rate is statistically high and nobody is going to fault you if you quit. Who really cares if you give up and quit now? You do.

Let's look at each piece one at a time. You're beaten up and exhausted. Congratulations! That means you've been working harder then you've probably ever worked in your life. You wouldn't be able to accomplish anything of real importance if you weren't willing to bust your rump plowing through everything on your to-do list. You may need some lessons in balance and patience, but not in how to apply good old fashioned elbow grease. If you can schedule a short break to replenish your strength, then do so, but don't give up and quit all together. If there's no way you can stop now because you have too many important deadlines then bust throughrepparttar 122900 deadlines. Can you speed it up and finish things early so that you could squeeze in a break? After a full night sleep, do you think that you'd still want to quit or would you be ready to dive back in? The fact that you're working so hard isn'trepparttar 122901 problem, it's that you aren't getting adequate rest and relaxation. Find a way to create balance.

You have nobody that will pitch in to help you or elserepparttar 122902 help you have isn't all that helpful. Kind of reminds me of when my two year old tries to help withrepparttar 122903 laundry. He picksrepparttar 122904 dirty laundry up off ofrepparttar 122905 floor and stuffs it intorepparttar 122906 dryer along withrepparttar 122907 stuff that just finished drying. Well meaning, but not as helpful as he thinks he is. I wish I could give you magic solutions as to how to find helpful people when you're working on your goals and dreams butrepparttar 122908 truth is, most people are too busy with their own lives to be able to offer much assistance anyway. Unless you can afford to hire people to help you or you promise to help them on something they're needing help with, you probably aren't going to find a whole lot of help. Also there'srepparttar 122909 learning curve and how much time it takes to teach someone how to do what it is you need help with. It's a rare and beautiful thing whenrepparttar 122910 perfect person comes along with nothing better to do then to roll up their sleeves and help. It's a tough reality, but basically, it's your goal, your dream, and your job to make it happen.

Ifrepparttar 122911 project you are working on means anything to you, then you won't really enjoyrepparttar 122912 couch potato solution as much as you might think. Funny thing aboutrepparttar 122913 really big powerful dreams, they haunt us. Every time you turn around there it is following you around reminding you that you haven't finished it yet. It will keep showing up in everything you do and especially inrepparttar 122914 things that you don't do. If it really matters, if it's your calling, if it's your life's work, then it isn't going to let you become a couch potato. Laying around not doing your dream will be more exhausting and depressing then when you were working your buns off trying to make it come true. Take a quick break if you need to, but don't get too comfy sitting there and don't even think that you aren't going to get back up again. The longer you sit there,repparttar 122915 further behind schedule you'll be andrepparttar 122916 more you'll have to do to catch up with where you were when you quit. You know how it is when you take a week off for vacation. You have to work two or three weeks to catch up with everything that fell behind. You have got to take your mental health breaks, but don't make it a permanent vacation.

How to Survive in Business Long Enough to Win

Written by Kim Beardsmore

Word Count: 1300

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(c) Copyright Kim Beardsmore

As a former human resources professional it intrigues me why some people are more 'successful' than others. By 'successful' we are referring to an innate ability of some people to set and achieve worthwhile challenges for themselves.

Here we are usingrepparttar 122898 word "challenge" and not goals. A challenge may be a goal, but not every goal is a challenge. Challenges stretch us beyond where we are and generally require us to embrace learning something new.

Very often it isrepparttar 122899 learning process - or lack of understanding ofrepparttar 122900 learning process - that causes us to shrink from challenges. When we are children we learn readily. Unfortunately somewhere in our development some of us start to acquire negative thoughts and feelings about learning new things. For some, our experiences in school have not fostered a love of learning and confidence in our ability to learn. Consequently we enter adulthood not valuing or understanding these important attributes.

Do you find yourself shrinking back from challenging situations? Do you assess tasks as not possible, because you don't know enough? Be honest, many of us do. Have you started a home business and feel completely overwhelmed by your lack of confidence? Do you say to yourself, "It can work for others, but not for me". Or, "I amrepparttar 122901 exception that provesrepparttar 122902 rule!"

If this is you, then read on as we explain a process of adult learning. There are many models of adult learning andrepparttar 122903 theory of such has beenrepparttar 122904 subject of many doctorates. These however, are notrepparttar 122905 subject of this article. Here we are using a simple model that most people can relate to which can make a difference to their lives.

There are four stages of development when you are learning something new. Once you understand these stages of learning, you may be encouraged to place yourself in challenging situations and extend your capacity and capabilities throughrepparttar 122906 learning process. You may even learn to drop "I can't" from your vocabulary and develop an "I can" perspective of yourself!

Go on, you can't lose and you just might acquirerepparttar 122907 confidence to make an outstanding success at your home business or other challenging venture!

Stage 1 - You Feel Foolish! When you first start out you feel like an idiot! You feel as though you are stupid. If you are learning to play golf, you most certainly would not think of yourself as a 'golfer'repparttar 122908 first time you pick uprepparttar 122909 golf club. The fact ofrepparttar 122910 matter is, you are a golfer - simply a very inexperienced one!

This isrepparttar 122911 stage where you feel like a fake, or a charlatan - because you have not mentally and emotionally bought intorepparttar 122912 concept that you are a golfer. You may have made a verbal commitment, and taken some action (picked uprepparttar 122913 club), but your heart and mind is still a long way behind. That's why you can't call yourself a golfer. If your heart and mind was in full alignment with your words and actions, then you could say, "I am a golfer and I have a bunch of stuff to learn before I get really good". If you are a newbie inrepparttar 122914 home business arena, you may have decided to keep quiet about your new business untilrepparttar 122915 business proves itself! (Hmmm)

This is a dangerous stage because without a firm focus, you are likely to stop and give up. It is important to make a mental shift and imagine yourself having fully achieved what you set out to do. Imagine yourself playing golf, confidently hittingrepparttar 122916 ball straight downrepparttar 122917 fairway. In reality you may feel uncomfortable, and out of your depth; perhaps even anxious. This is simplyrepparttar 122918 early stages of learning and your emotions will change if you keep going withrepparttar 122919 task you have undertaken. The more uncomfortable you feel about your new venture,repparttar 122920 harder you should work on your imagination of success.

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