Giving Up Cable Television

Written by Alyice Edrich

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Giving Up Cable Television By Alyice Edrich

My children cried when they realized they could no longer watch their favorite television shows, but soon learned that wholesome videos can cure their withdrawals in a moment’s notice. But more importantly, they’ve gotten off their butts and started enjoying more physical and bonding activities. Andrepparttar 111212 best part is that I no longer hear, “Just a minute mom. I’ll be there on commercial. Huh, what did you say? Oh, I forgot because I got hooked on this show. And, do I have to? I was right inrepparttar 111213 middle ofrepparttar 111214 good part!”

It all began on February 9, 2004 when my friend and I attended an all-day Women’s Bible Study. At one ofrepparttar 111215 workshops,repparttar 111216 speaker discussed ways we could simplify our lives and in return grow stronger bonds with our children and other loved ones. One of her suggestions was to nixrepparttar 111217 television. She read a study that stated television consumption wastes approximately 4 hours of our day and 13 years of our lives. She went on to ask, “If you knew you could gain just 6 of those years back by cutting your television watching down to just 2 hours a day, what would you do with all that time?”

The irony was that this lesson came at a time when my husband and I requested our cable services be lowered torepparttar 111218 very basic package, but foundrepparttar 111219 cable company had disconnected our service instead. Now for those of you who live in a big city being without cable isn’t that big of a deal, but for those of us who live in rural communities, we need cable just to get channels 2 through 13 to come in clear. After learning thatrepparttar 111220 cable company wasn’t going to be able to come back out for another week and that we would incur a “service connection” charge, we decided to forego cable altogether.

Making the Connection

Written by Rosalyn Bronstein

Makingrepparttar Connection

Have you ever hadrepparttar 111210 experience of meeting someone, and after a few minutes of conversation, settled intorepparttar 111211 feeling of having known that person all you life? This sort of incident - an immediately strong emotional connection - is quite rare. It's happened to me on two occasions, and in both cases, resulted in long-term friendships.

Why is there an instant connection with some people and not others? It seems that it is easier to relate to people who are open to wanting to get to know another. There is a certain chemistry that simply happens when individuals are tuned into each other. Both experience it simultaneously.

There is also a school of thought that says we are destined to have certain people in our lives. Perhaps that's why some interactions don't seem to make a lot of sense. When we try to force relationships that shouldn't happen,repparttar 111212 end result is usually trouble.

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