Give The Wrong Words An Inch And They May Take A Mile!

Written by Richard Vegas

What do you do when circumstances seem out of control? What'srepparttar first thing you look for? Or Whom? What immediately runs through your mind? Do you yell? Do you curse? Do you go bow up your back like a porcupine getting ready for all out war?

By Word Of Mouth!

There is something that every one of us has been taught to do since we were born and yet so few people know how to control it. We have been taught how to talk, but still don't know how to control our mouth.

Getting control of your mouth is no harder than learning how to ride a bicycle; you just need to learn how. Sadly though, most people just letrepparttar 123435 words fly as their circumstances get hotter than a nanny goat in a pepper patch.

I can hear someone now: "what's my words got to do with my circumstances?" Everything! Remember when you were trying to learn how to ride that bicycle? Who was it that hadrepparttar 123436 power to ride it or crash it? You! Controlling your tongue is no different.

Your mouth has more to do withrepparttar 123437 success or failure in your life than you may realize. No one else can do your talking for you, no one else can determine whether you crash or ride.

Caught Red-handed!

Let me give you some Vegas-ology, and I really believe this. Most people go through their lives, day by day, just hoping nothing bad will happen to them that day. And, if it does, maybe it won't be so bad that I can't handle it, at least without much stress.

Then when something squirrelly happens, they go ballistic. Then they start saying, "why me God," "what did I do?" Then they start praying, then they start crying, and then they get real humble.

Well, guess what? Remember earlier when I said we spend all our lives learning how to talk and never learn how to controlrepparttar 123438 thing we talk with? That's whererepparttar 123439 problem lies. We spend years and years respondingrepparttar 123440 same way to calamity, which just fills us with fear, worry, doubt and unbelief.

And, when an abundance of fear and worry root its way down into our spirits it overflows out of our mouth. Just like falling off a log.

Hear Me Now, Believe Me Later!

Now, when those words fly out of our mouth, our brain hears it; our emotions soak them up like a sponge; we start feeling like a our whole life is a square peg in a round hole, and, thenrepparttar 123441 worst possible thing happens; we start acting onrepparttar 123442 words of fear.

When we start acting on words of fear, we start a cycle of worry and depression. And,repparttar 123443 cycle keeps repeating itself. A few moments of remorse, during our heartbreak, will just not reverse years and years of using an uncontrolled tongue.

Why do these things happen? Because of spiritual laws! We determine what happens to us by putting spiritual laws into motion throughrepparttar 123444 words that we speak out of our mouths. If this makes your feathers ruffle, don't get mad at me, I didn't designrepparttar 123445 system. I wish I had.

To go a step further in understanding how our mouths determinerepparttar 123446 direction of our lives, we need to understand how these spiritual laws work. To simplify this we can say there are two spiritual forces that we have to contend with.

Live And Learn!

Let's call these lawsrepparttar 123447 law of success andrepparttar 123448 law of defeat. Another way to put it is;repparttar 123449 law of life andrepparttar 123450 law of death. These spiritual laws do not work by happenstance. They don't work one way one time and another way another time.

You can't say something positive one time and have those same words mean something negative next time. That's craziness andrepparttar 123451 system doesn't work that way. Byrepparttar 123452 same token, you can't talk words of fear, failure, defeat, sickness, poverty, and death, and expectrepparttar 123453 opposite of those things to happen to you.

Self Care

Written by Dona Kerr and Dawn Wood

What does it mean to practice self care? It’s creating a space and a healthy mind and body to support you in beingrepparttar best you can be. If your space is filled with chaos, drama, disorganization, sadness and negativity then greatness cannot easily occur.

We have so many choices in our daily life that either support us or diminish us in some way. We choose to either drink water or have a soda. We choose sugar or something that nourishes our mind, body and spirit. We choose to exercise, be positive or negative, creative or continue to be stale, inspiring or judgmental, brave or fearful, and so on. We arerepparttar 123434 creators of our space. We can either build our health or chip away at it.

Who would you be if you had enough money that you didn’t have to worry about it? Enough love that you didn’t have to search for it? Enough friends in order to always have support and encouragement? Enough free time that you could nourish your soul, have fun, and learn freely?

Self care is really about putting your needs first so you may have; allrepparttar 123435 energy, positive outlook, generosity, love and more to give to everyone else. If you don’t fill these things for yourself you won’t have them to give away to others. If you are healthy, you will have energy and drive to co-create with someone else. If your past issues are all resolved, then you won’t bring baggage with you to your relationships. It’s evident then, that you are not being selfish but self nurturing.

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