Give It A Go.

Written by Robert J Farey

GETTING STARTED . You don’t need a website just yet. As long as you are onrepparttar web and can send out e-mails you will be O/K.

The first thing to do is to select a few affiliate programs that have a two tier payment system operating. It is essential that all ofrepparttar 108715 programs are of a similar theme. The reason for this will become plain in a minute. Now I want you to sit down and concentrate. You are going to write an article for publication in a number of e-zines. A lot of you will be tempted to give up at this point. ‘DON’T. It is not as difficult as you may think.

If you have never written an e-zine article before, I suggest that you sign up for a few e-zines and newsletters (They are repparttar 108716 same thing under different names) and studyrepparttar 108717 articles in them. Not only will it give you an insight as to how they are composed, It will also give you inspiration and ideas for your own articles.

There is nothing wrong with copying an idea. As long as you don’t copy someone else’s text. Ideas are not copy-write. The written text is. The articles that you are going to write should be inrepparttar 108718 same theme asrepparttar 108719 affiliate programs that you have joined because atrepparttar 108720 end ofrepparttar 108721 article you will write a ‘By-line’. This is just a short paragraph about yourself and what you do. Atrepparttar 108722 end you will place a link to one of your affiliate programs. The e-zines that use your articles will do so for free onrepparttar 108723 proviso that they publish your By-line withrepparttar 108724 link to your affiliate program. This is your only reason for writingrepparttar 108725 article.

If you distribute your article via one or more ofrepparttar 108726 article agencies it can be taken up by dozens of e-zine publishers over a period of time. People who click on your affiliate link are obviously interested in what you are offering or they would not be reading that particular e-zine inrepparttar 108727 first place. They are some ofrepparttar 108728 best prospects that you can get.

If your article is published in a minimum of ten e-zines with a total readership of perhaps fifty thousand interested people, it only takes a small percentage to take up your offer for you to be in business. If your article is well written with good subject matter there is a very good chance that fifty or more e-zines will publish it over a period of a couple of months. If you are a bit short of cash for your advertising budget, you will find that this is an absolutely no cost way of advertising. Not only that, it isrepparttar 108729 easiest andrepparttar 108730 best way of putting your project in front of hundreds of thousands of interested prospects. I have found that writing articles for e-zines and distributing them via article agencies is every bit as good as any Pay Per Click system where it costs you money for every person who clicks on one of your links.

A Stupid Question.

Written by Robert J Farey

This is a stupid question but it has to be asked.

Does your sales letter create as many sales as you would like. What proportion of them respond to your advert? What is just as important, how many of those that responded actually purchased your product?

How can you improverepparttar response rate? How many new email addresses did you capture? Do you have an 'opt in' strategy so that you can mail them later with more offers without being accused of spamming?

Let us look atrepparttar 108714 sales letter first. The headline. Does it stand out? Does it grab your attention? Does it shout, "READ ME, READ ME, READ ME".

Onrepparttar 108715 other hand: Does it give a tantalising hint at something interesting inside. Something of real benefit torepparttar 108716 reader. Does it ask a question that can only be answered by readingrepparttar 108717 content ofrepparttar 108718 letter?

The letter itself. Is it speaking to a group of people? Or is it a one to one conversation? How many times does it say 'You' compared withrepparttar 108719 number of times it says 'Me, We or I'.

Your readers are not interested in you or what a marvellous gadget you are offering. No, they are only interested in what it can do for them. How much better off they will be if they invest their hard earned cash in your enterprise.

Will it help them to become rich, a better person, happier or better looking, Will it make them more attractive torepparttar 108720 opposite sex?

Convince them of just one of these, or similar things and repparttar 108721 price will not matter.

It all boils down to "What's in it for me."

The old adage: "Sellrepparttar 108722 sizzle, notrepparttar 108723 steak" is as relevant now as it was inrepparttar 108724 old days of door knocking.

Let's go back torepparttar 108725 original sales letter. How good was it inrepparttar 108726 first instance? Were you happy withrepparttar 108727 initial response? if so, what went wrong? Has it become stale. Would a makeover put it right? Perhaps it just needs a new headline.

Ifrepparttar 108728 click through rate is good, it would appear thatrepparttar 108729 headline is doing it's job. Shouldrepparttar 108730 ratio of purchases to clicks-through be poor I would suggest thatrepparttar 108731 text ofrepparttar 108732 letter is not up to scratch.

The problem may not be inrepparttar 108733 letter, orrepparttar 108734 headline. It could be that you are not aiming your advertising at repparttar 108735 right people. Whatever you are selling, a very large percentage ofrepparttar 108736 population will not be interested in it. You must find those who arerepparttar 108737 most interested in your particular product.

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