Gimmicks Don't Work

Written by Michele Borowsky

Recently in my local daily newspaper here in Phoenix, The Arizona Republic, there was an ad for an advertiser that I had never seen before. Well, either it wasrepparttar newspaper account executive orrepparttar 120197 business owner, or maybe even both, who thought it would be totally clever and eye catching to printrepparttar 120198 ad inrepparttar 120199 paper upside down. So far I’ve seen it twice and let me tell you, it’s stupid.

Your job as a business owner and advertiser is to make responding to your message as easy as possible forrepparttar 120200 consumer. By printing it upside down, this advertiser has only succeeded in making it more difficult forrepparttar 120201 potential consumer to readrepparttar 120202 darn thing. But somebody thought that this was a totally clever “gimmick” to attract attention.

There are all kinds of gimmicks that you see everyday. If a gimmick actually works, it will only be successful for a very short period of time. Your goal as a business owner is to develop and maintain long term devoted clientele, not a spur ofrepparttar 120203 moment responder who is not responding torepparttar 120204 actual message of your company, but torepparttar 120205 gimmick.

I run across potential new clients everyday who say to me “Do you have any good ideas?” What this actually means is “I’m desperate and need a quick fix for my company.” Don’t fall into this trap. There is no get rich quick scheme or gimmick that is going to bring you allrepparttar 120206 business you’ll ever need.

Financial Services Marketing Insights: A Marketing Compass

Written by Jay Nagdeman

What we now call “marketing” began long beforerepparttar name was coined. Inrepparttar 120196 mid-1800s, traveling salesmen dressed “snake oil" and other tonics in fancy packaging and extolled their virtues to a gullible public. New marketing applications soon proliferated inrepparttar 120197 belief that marketing could make many new things possible in virtually any business situation. For more than a century, implementation, experience and ultimately strategy have helped marketing evolve from crude beginnings into today’s sophisticated practices.

Consumer product firms have beenrepparttar 120198 pioneers inrepparttar 120199 marketing field and have takenrepparttar 120200 undisputed lead asrepparttar 120201 creators of marketing’s best practices. While sophisticated marketing techniques have spawned consumer giants, most financial services firms had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, intorepparttar 120202 era of sophisticated marketing.

The Advancing State of Financial Services Marketing Financial services marketing has, however, evolved rapidly overrepparttar 120203 last decade. As a result,repparttar 120204 very nature ofrepparttar 120205 marketing function in financial services firms is undergoing a dramatic modification as more attention is paid to marketing-driven processes that impactrepparttar 120206 entire firm. Our observations suggest thatrepparttar 120207 more progressive financial services organizations are currently going through an intellectual and practical transition that is forcingrepparttar 120208 reexamination ofrepparttar 120209 role of marketing within their firms. Many have begun to realize that financial marketing responsibilities include not only developingrepparttar 120210 firm’s mission statement and key messages, but also defining its business focus, relevant differentiation, competitive advantages and value proposition.

Atrepparttar 120211 same time, however, a number of financial services marketing directors must engage in long-term turf battles with other departments before they can implement worthy financial marketing initiatives that will help acceleraterepparttar 120212 achievement of corporate goals. In many financial organizations,repparttar 120213 persistent problem of differentiating financial marketing from sales still remains largely unresolved. In addition, some financial services marketing directors must still enlist substantial management support just to maintain equilibrium and obtainrepparttar 120214 opportunity to accomplish even limited objectives.

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