Gift Giving Etiquette

Written by The Gift Wizard

Is there such a thing as gift giving etiquette? Of course! There are quite a few DOs and DON'Ts of gift giving. Remember, though, that each situation will be a little different fromrepparttar next, just as individuals differ from each other. We've done a little research to provide a basic gift giving guide. These aren't set in stone, but they should give you a good idea about how to approach gift giving in most situations.


Dinner or Party Invitation?

When someone invites you over for a "get together", you'll want to bring a small gift to show your appreciation forrepparttar 100461 invitation. This could include a candle, flowers, or a bottle of wine.

"Please, No Gifts"

If you've been invited to a birthday party, graduation party, anniversary celebration, wedding, or any gift giving occasion andrepparttar 100462 invitation specifically reads: "No Gifts, Please", then it is appropriate to respect that request. If you feel that you must bring "something", try a card or some other very small sentiment.

Is money an appropriate gift?

It is appropriate to give money in a few (sparse) situations, like when a teen-ager asks for it. But try to avoid giving money. It's more thoughtful to give a gift certificate or gift card, but only if you takerepparttar 100463 time to considerrepparttar 100464 the appropriate store or restaurant. Pick something that will be enjoyable and/or useful forrepparttar 100465 gift recipient.

Other Gift Giving Hints

- Don't give loud toys to children

- Don't give things that YOU want

- Always try to wrap a gift. If you don't haverepparttar 100466 time or talent to make it look nice, spend a dollar on a gift bag and some tissue paper.

- Include a card with your gift, and actually write a personal note in it


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