Getting the Most Out of Our Food

Written by Mark Dayley

Good health is a combination of necessary rest, continuous exercise, nutritious foods, fasting, and even a positive happy attitude. In regards torepparttar need for nutrition,repparttar 115555 body can be likened to an expensive ore-processing machine. Mining low-grade deposits is like consuming foods low in nutrition. It takes large amounts of low-grade deposits (food low in nutrition) to producerepparttar 115556 precious metals (vitamins, minerals, etc.) sought after. Low-grade deposits also contain large amounts of waste materials, which cause extra work and unnecessary wear and tear onrepparttar 115557 equipment (the body). It makes sense to mine higher-grade deposits (food high in nutrition) where more precious metals (vitamins, minerals, etc.) can be acquired with less work, and with less wear and tear onrepparttar 115558 equipment (the body). “Living under conditions of modern life, it is important to bear in mind thatrepparttar 115559 preparation and refinement of food products either entirely eliminates or in part destroysrepparttar 115560 vital elements inrepparttar 115561 original material.” – United States Department of Agriculture Our "SAD" (Standard American Diet) diets of today, are generally comprised of refined and processed food (low grade deposits). When whole food is refined or processed, essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, etc.) are stripped away and lost. Processed or devitalized food lacksrepparttar 115562 complete nutrition our bodies need. Here are a few suggestions from Dr. John R. Christopher's "Mucusless Diet" to help migrate to a more nutritious whole food diet providing good health:

"3 Vital Steps To Prevent Your Lungs From Being Your Furance Filter This Fall"

Written by Laura Bankston

Fall is coming and furnaces are coming to life.

And if you’re not prepared, your lungs will be your only filter, aggravating allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems.

You could make yourself sick and spend money on doctor visits that can be avoided when you take these three steps right now to protect your health:

1. Make sure your furnace filters are clean.

You can hire a professional to change them or you can do it yourself. Recommended electrostatic filters are available online at and easily clean for re-use to save you money.

2. Make sure your forced air ducts are clean.

Take off a register cover and stick your hand down inrepparttar vent. Can you pull out a clump of dust and debris? If so, you definitely need a professional inspection and quote for cleaning.

You don’t want all that stuff blowing around in your air all winter with only your lungs to filter it out.

A firm that usesrepparttar 115554 Patented Rotobrush system will remove dirt, dust, pollen, dust mite feces, dead spiders, webs, rotten food stuffed in dining room vents, and even rodent carcasses.

3. Once you are sure your system is clean, mark you calendar to check your furnace filter every 3 months.

After you’ve completed these three steps, you can rest assured that your breathing air is clean and your system is performing at its best.

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