Getting down to basics with a web site.

Written by Tristan Jud

What is a web site? A web site is a associated collection of web pages onrepparttar world wide web, consisting of files that are organised into a hierarchy. Each file/document can consist of a combination of graphics, text, audio video and other dynamic or static material. A website is most commonly used as a communication medium between a business and client or business and business. They can usually be accessed by using a search engine or typing inrepparttar 120086 web site address or domain name into an internet browser.

56% of businesses surveyed identified that they had already recovered their investment in e-business, with 22% of businesses that have recovered their investment achieving a greater than 50 percent return on that investment.

In July 2003 some 49% of all small to medium enterprises indicated a potential to use e-commerce to sell their products.

What arerepparttar 120087 benefits? A website is a dynamic and cost effective way to reach new and existing customers, on a local, national or global scale.

A carefully constructed website, like those developed by Able Net Design, can attractrepparttar 120088 right users and may thus establishrepparttar 120089 following benefits.

  • Visual Display - Showcase of products services to likely customers
  • Sales - Bring forth additional recenue and greater awareness
  • Information - Supply further information to new and existing customers
  • Ehanced service - By providing a further contact method for customers
Other great facts 68% of all small to medium enterprises surveyed indicated that their expectations for all e-commerce have been met.

The Trust Issue in Marketing

Written by Darrin F. Coe, MA

The Trust Issue in Marketing by Darrin F. Coe, MA copyright 2004

One ofrepparttar prime motivating factors inrepparttar 120085 purchase decision making process is “trust”. A consumer will at some point for however long or short of a time, askrepparttar 120086 question, “Can I trust this company/person/product?”

In today’s ever-changing world of marketing, electronic media, email, and advertising innovations and intrusions, companies, and businesses are marketing to an ever increasingly suspicious consumer, who is conflicted between their desire not to be “sold” to and their desire to consume. They are looking for ways to establish believability, credibility, and trust.

According to a paper byrepparttar 120087 Peppers and Rogers Group (2004), 36% of major U.S. corporations view privacy as an important part ofrepparttar 120088 company’s brand image.

It is my belief based on consumer thinking that one way to develop a competitive edge inrepparttar 120089 marketing world is to place greater emphasis on tying privacy policy to brand. This strategy places a direct link between trust and purchase while developingrepparttar 120090 beginnings of long-term relationship.

I suggest highlighting your privacy policy in all your marketing in a way that makes privacy, trust, and your brand synonymous. Letrepparttar 120091 consumer know that here is a business that will respect your privacy. Let them know that your communication with them will be relevant to their consumer needs. And you can let them know that information they share with your business will be used to better meet their needs and will not, knowingly be used against them, sold, or given to third parties.

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