Getting a credit card is a big responsibility

Written by Connie Gutchrif

Owning a credit card can be quite an advantage. Whether making online purchases, booking an air ticket or a hotel room onrepparttar phone or simply being in need of some emergency cash, having a credit card can be a big help. However, getting a credit card is also a huge responsibility and if you don't keep an eye on your spending habits, credit cards can create some serious problems. Here is an excellent list of tips on proper credit card use and if you follow these, you will likely stay out of trouble and your credit card will be a blessing instead of a curse:

1. When you make a purchase withrepparttar 138880 credit card, it is akin to taking a loan from your bank. What you have borrowed has to be returned - so do not borrow beyond your capacity to pay it back.

2. Always be aware of your outstanding credit card balances. This will help you determine whether you can make additional purchases. Even small purchases can really add up to big balances and substantial interest charges.

3.Any credit card receipts should be kept until you can compare them to your monthly statement. If you find any purchases you did not make, or higher charges than those onrepparttar 138881 receipt, contact your credit card company immediately.

4. don't give your credit card to anyone, not even friends and family. Its not that you cant trust these folks but it would be really difficult to track purchases if you are notrepparttar 138882 only one making them.

5. don't ever borrow more than your ability to pay it back. If you do and consequently arent able to pay it back, it can hurt your future ability to obtain other forms of loans such as home mortgages, car loans etc.

6. Pay your credit card bills on time or even before they are due. Doing so will not only help improve your credit scores, but also help avoid additional costs associated with late payment charges and accrued interest.

7. Try to have your credit card bills paid in full every month. To ensure this, budget your credit card purchases on a monthly basis and then don't allow your purchases to exceed that amount.

8.Keep your credit cards for new purchasing. don't pay one credit card bill with a different credit card. This will inevitably lead to more charging and higher balances.

Connie Gutchrif isrepparttar 138883 President of FN Credit - An excellent resource for information on credit. To learn more, be sure to visit: Getting a credit card is a big responsibility

Online Trading - The Stock Market is Booming But Be Warned

Written by John Atkinson

This article was printed in Alan Hull’s weekly newsletter ‘ActVest’ for Active Investors in March 2005 (available from and is reprinted here with Alan’s permission.

I hadrepparttar pleasure of being invited on a friend’s yacht to sail in a race on Sydney Harbour yesterday. On board, as one of our motley crew, I met a top ranking corporate executive from one of Australia’s largest banks, who we’ll call ‘Phil’ here forrepparttar 138801 purpose of this article. Afterrepparttar 138802 race ended and after being told of my trading experience, he told me he has a large stock portfolio, many of which are speculative resources stocks. He said that he’s excited by allrepparttar 138803 money he’s making and wondering how long this has been going on?

As would be expected, ‘Phil’ also asked me for some “hot tips” for more stocks to buy. He was surprised with my reply when I told him Daryl Guppy’s standard response of “Tips are for waiters” and that I thought he was askingrepparttar 138804 wrong questions. (Daryl Guppy is a well known Stock Trader and International bestselling author - see

Rather, I explained he should be asking: * How much longer will this last? * When it finishes how will I know & what will I do? * How do I find out about Technical Analysis and Money & Risk Management? * What’s a Trading Plan and how do I put one together and follow it? * How and when do I add torepparttar 138805 stocks I already own? * How should I structure my portfolio regarding individual stock risk, sector risk and total portfolio risk? * What’s my exit strategy for each stock I own? * What’s my exit strategy for my whole portfolio? * How do I keep accurate records and monitor my performance? * What am I going to do to learn more about myself and my own psychological weaknesses (many of which I may not even realise I have) that can make allrepparttar 138806 difference as to whether I win or lose long term?

‘Phil’ was genuinely surprised that I had takenrepparttar 138807 wind out of his sails – luckily it was after our sailing race together, but hopefully before he loses his own financial race.

In January at I issued a worldwide press release to caution unprepared novice investors and traders ofrepparttar 138808 potential pitfalls ahead inrepparttar 138809 market. My wife Angela and I lost our waterfront home on Sydney Harbour inrepparttar 138810 'Tech wreck' of 2000, so we speak from hard personal experience.

As complete novices inrepparttar 138811 market in 1999, we doubled on paper a large stock portfolio in only six months.

Then in less than a year we suffered catastrophic losses inrepparttar 138812 tech stock crash of 2000 and beyond: * We were set back more than 15 years financially and emotionally * We were forced to sell our waterfront home –repparttar 138813 very same house we had set as a goal soon after arriving in Australia as new and penniless immigrants in 1979. We began renting what I called a ‘dog box’ - asrepparttar 138814 housing market then rocketed. * Angela was working as a retail assistant

I have a First Class Honors Degree in Civil Engineering that didn’t help. In fact I have since come to understand that it actually helped to work against me. With our experience of riding some ofrepparttar 138815 largest waves (up and down) inrepparttar 138816 market and having lost hundreds of thousands of dollars inrepparttar 138817 process, we know more than most stock traders inrepparttar 138818 world ofrepparttar 138819 pitfalls that await unsuspecting novice traders and investors. We have since greatly appreciated being exposed torepparttar 138820 successful methods taught by expert traders Alan Hull, Daryl Guppy, Jim Berg, Dr Van Tharp and others to trade profitably and with better risk control.

The forum for serious investors isrepparttar 138821 only chatroom where you will find Daryl Guppy. We recently receivedrepparttar 138822 following response from a fellow Australian trader Nathan Unger on that site (see below): “...thank you for sharing. Your comments on this subject are very insightful, and rightfully so considering your near trading death experience, per se. Failure is always such a difficult moniker to be branded with, for it involves us having to acknowledge that we were wrong. Of course, acknowledging our mistakes means that we must swallow our pride – an admittedly difficult feat for many traders. Grappling with our own motives amidstrepparttar 138823 psychological matrix that isrepparttar 138824 stock market is, to sayrepparttar 138825 least, a bewildering struggle. In an almost paradoxical fashionrepparttar 138826 stock market can create whelps out of us through both our losses as well as our victories. We are unnerved when we lose and must somehow musterrepparttar 138827 courage to tentatively re-enterrepparttar 138828 markets. Yet, potentially even more dangerous arerepparttar 138829 unbridled successes that often distort a trader’s perception about their ability to regulate further success – successes that work to chiderepparttar 138830 future admission of failure. Who would have thought that winning could actually become a setup for losing – a conundrum ofrepparttar 138831 worst kind? I know of no other occupation that hasrepparttar 138832 ability to masquerade as both friend and foe and then make you think that you can tellrepparttar 138833 difference. Your experience is, I believe, a treasure worth perhaps more thanrepparttar 138834 sum of your losses. It reminds me of howrepparttar 138835 most seaworthy vessels have typically been known to berepparttar 138836 ones that have weatheredrepparttar 138837 most devastating storms. Yours is a stellar effort, my friend. I will most certainly be purchasing your book.

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