Getting Started Selling Your Crafts

Written by Eileen Bergen

Getting Started Selling Your Crafts By Eileen Bergen The Artful Crafter

Until recently crafts were usually sold locally or, at best, regionally. Now you literally haverepparttar whole world at your fingertips! Some of you may choose a gradual progression from selling to friends, to selling at fairs and shows, to retail selling … and so on. Others may decide to jump directly from selling within their circle of friends torepparttar 116662 worldwide Internet market –repparttar 116663 costs are low enough that this is surprisingly doable.

My first career was as a special education teacher. After 15 years of teaching I earned an MBA degree followed by CFA (Certified Financial Analyst) certification. After 15 years in finance I was a vice-president and portfolio manager of a major insurance company before I was downsized. Tired ofrepparttar 116664 rat race, I opted for early retirement. Looking for something to do with all my free time, I started crafting and am now making a nice supplemental income from it.

As a crafter and a businesswoman, I feel I have some valuable insights intorepparttar 116665 craft business that I can share with you.

Getting Organized to Sell Your Crafts for Profit

At some point in your progression from crafting for fun to crafting for fun and profit, you go from handcrafting individual items for yourself and friends to filling quantity orders for a broader marketplace. That’srepparttar 116666 time to take a very business-like approach to your craft business. This needn’t be daunting. You don’t need an MBA or management experience – just a bit of common sense. If you’re going to do this for profit, you need to under- stand The Four M’s:

1. Meet your market; 2. Minimize your costs; 3. Maximize your selling price; and 4. Marketrepparttar 116667 heck out of your product.

Simple, right? But very few people get it. Look atrepparttar 116668 high failure rate for new businesses. It takes effort to be successful, butrepparttar 116669 task is hardly impossible.

Traditional craft retailing methods are what most crafters use to get started. They'rerepparttar 116670 easiest way, especially if you don't know if anyone will buy what you make.

I believe that there is a market for any well-made craft, whether decorative or useful. In this era of mass production, when it seems that every store in every mall sellsrepparttar 116671 same things, hand- made, unique or handy crafts are more appreciated than ever.

How I Learned to Make $100K per Month: The #2 Thing I Learned You Must Have in a Successful Home Business

Written by Brock Felt

Have you ever heardrepparttar expression—“Be in business for yourself, but not by yourself”? If so, you may have been promised, “Full Support”…“Full Training”…“We’re here to help you every step ofrepparttar 116661 way.” And then, they failed you every time.

FACT: Most people don’t want to leave their jobs simply because they don’t feel confident enough to be in business by themselves. They fear that they don’t haverepparttar 116662 tools to succeed on their own. Andrepparttar 116663 truth is…they probably don’t. Whether they have a business degree or not, most people don’t haverepparttar 116664 know-how to create true wealth in their lives. And, that is precisely why people stay in their jobs and make their boss rich.

FACT: Most home businesses don’t give yourepparttar 116665 support you need to be successful. Too many people are in it for themselves or don’t haverepparttar 116666 time to help you succeed because they are still slaving away trying to make their own venture succeed.

I have been in both places. Franchises, Brick & Mortars,repparttar 116667 all-promising MLM—you name it—I have been completely alone without any guidance or support AND I have had heard allrepparttar 116668 empty promises there are. I can tell you…it is one ofrepparttar 116669 most frustrating and discouraging places to be out there.

I remember a few times a buddy of mine tried teaching me some steps he took alongrepparttar 116670 way. But, he was only making $30,000 a year! In hindsight, why would I listen to a guy, friend or not, who was making belowrepparttar 116671 average America income?

I wanted more. I wanted to never have to worry about money again. And, I knew thatrepparttar 116672 steps I had taken this far had gotten me no where. There I was fixing windshields for a living inrepparttar 116673 Arizona heat day in day out… I knew I had to go in a completely new direction and I knew that I needed help to get there.

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