Getting Rich With The Keys To Power

Written by Alan Tutt

Getting Rich With The Keys To Power by Alan Tutt bttp://

One subject that seems to be on everyone's mind is money. I have had a number of people ask me ifrepparttar Keys To Power can be used to create fabulous wealth and untold riches. Well,repparttar 122819 simple answer is yes, it can.

Inrepparttar 122820 materials forrepparttar 122821 Keys To Power Mastery System,repparttar 122822 instructions are directed towards allowingrepparttar 122823 student to userepparttar 122824 principles for any purpose they choose. This is becauserepparttar 122825 Keys To Power system can be used for any goal you can imagine, not only making money, but also gaining love and affection, gaining better health, commandingrepparttar 122826 respect and admiration of others, and even moving objects with mind power alone,repparttar 122827 possibilities are endless. But for most students, a specific guide for a specific goal serves a much needed purpose.

In order to userepparttar 122828 Keys To Power system to attain money and riches, there are several steps that need to be followed. First, pay attention to everything around you. There are far more opportunities to make money than most people realize. Let's stop for a minute and define just what money really is. Money is a symbol that represents how much service you have provided torepparttar 122829 world. You are paid forrepparttar 122830 good that you provide other people. An employee is paid forrepparttar 122831 work that he givesrepparttar 122832 company. A salesperson is paid for showing customers a better means of accomplishing their objectives. An author is paid for givingrepparttar 122833 world a new viewpoint on knowledge, or at least a good entertaining story inrepparttar 122834 case of fiction writing. Most businesses are paid for givingrepparttar 122835 world a better product, or at least giving a good product in a better way. Money represents how much good you have provided to others. This should be easy to understand, just look atrepparttar 122836 ways that you spend your money.

Now, I know that there will be some who respond to this with "But I want a way to get money without having to work for it!" I always smile and chuckle inside when I hear this attitude. Actually, it'srepparttar 122837 attitude I had myself for many years. It doesn't work, and it will never work. Here's why. Whenever you holdrepparttar 122838 attitude of not wanting to give,repparttar 122839 Universe responds by holdingrepparttar 122840 same attitude, so it gives you nothing. If you holdrepparttar 122841 attitude that you want to give your best to others, thenrepparttar 122842 Universe responds withrepparttar 122843 same attitude and gives you its best, you get more than you ever imagined!

Withinrepparttar 122844 philosophy ofrepparttar 122845 Keys To Power, there is a strong current of "you get what you give". Put another way, "You experiencerepparttar 122846 sum total of who you are." If you are cheap and stingy and a miser,repparttar 122847 Universe will give you those kinds of experiences. If you are caring and giving and generous,repparttar 122848 Universe will also be those things to you. The Law of Cause and Effect. Your thoughts and feelings direct Power to create your experiences.

The reason I've spent so much time on this is simply because it is extremely critical to getting wealth. If you did nothing more than adjust yourself to become a loving, giving person, always seeking to improverepparttar 122849 service you give to others, then you will eventually become wealthier than you ever imagined! And if you don't do this, nothing else will make you rich, no matter how much energy you expend, no matter how much Power you learn to control. It's kind of like levitating. Yes, you can learn to levitate for short periods of time, but your life will be much easier if you just accept gravity as being a fact of life.

Motivation, Your Core Resource

Written by Ke o agile

Your motivation is one ofrepparttar core resources you have to accomplish allrepparttar 122818 things you want to achieve. Let us get one thing clear though before we handle this resource called motivation.

You may have listened to people who refer to themselves as 'motivational speakers'. And you may have attended a motivational training workshop. You got motivated there. Good!

I want you though to start of thinking of 'motivation' in a new way. And this way, which is an old fact is that 'success is not a product of motivation'.

Yes, I know I have just said it. Contrary to some popular wishful thinking, success is not a product of motivation. Rather, it isrepparttar 122819 other way round. High Motivation Is A Result of Success and low motivation is a result of prior failure.

What this means is that repeated success in a particular activity leads [motivates] one to want to do that activity often. While repeated failure at a particular activity leads [demotiavtes] one to want to avoid that activity.

Now that you understand that success creates motivation, and failure destroys it, what'srepparttar 122820 use? Motivation is made up of four elements that are essential to know and apply in your quest for success and abundance. Those elements are: memories, meanings, meta-programs, and metaphors. Let us take a look at each one of them.

Memories The memories you have about your past are influencers on your motivation. If memories of success are many and strong in your life, then it stands to reason that you will be positively inclined, and well motivated. Plentiful memories of failure onrepparttar 122821 other hand will predispose you to strong hesitancies. It is important therefore to choose with carerepparttar 122822 memories that make up your success package.

Meta-programs Meta-programs are patterns of acting/re-acting which an individual prefers in given situations. They may change across context and time. Two ofrepparttar 122823 meta-programs you may want to think of are: internal/external: relying on your own opinions versus relying onrepparttar 122824 opinions of others. towards/away from: moving towards some desired objective versus moving away from an undesirable situation. The meta-programs identify what motivates an individual and are helpful in defining 'success' and what makes it happen. What this means for you is that you will find it helpful if you know which meta-programs you use to attain success. And use them!

Meanings The meaning an event/experience has for an indvidual will determine how motivated they will/not be to engage in it. Meaning is made up of expectations and criteria. How much you expect something to occur goes hand in hand with what that particular something means to you. If it is something you are not really attached to, it does not matter whether it occurs or not. It is meaningless to you. You attach a particular criterion to something in order for that thing to have a personal meaning to you. Criterion says: "What makes this meaningful to me", while expectation says: "How possible is this for me?". What an event, activity or experience means to you will determine how successful you will want to be in relation to that activity. And, your perceived success will in turn influence how motivated you will be to engage in (similar) activities.

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