Getting ResponseWritten by Wild Bill Montgomery
The key to a building a great Marketing Strategy is knowing how to find and filter your prospects to finely selected customers and clients. This is not to say you can't and won't accept customers that come by any other means, but your business won't survive by relying on walk-in customers.You want to ask yourself, "Where do I find prospects"? You find them where they normally go. I know, what a lame answer. But, it happens to be right answer. Many entrepreneurs don't give this simple fact enough consideration. A few ways to reach these prospects could be Publishing a Newsletter, Writing Articles, Discussions Lists, Direct Mailing, Chat Rooms, Newsgroups, Calling them on Phone, Sending letters or brochures, Free & Paid Advertising, Joining Online Clubs and Organizations, Attending Conferences and Conventions, Ad and Banner Swaps, Link trades, Search Engines and Directories, and make yourself available to help others as much as time allows. These are just a few ideas. You have to know where to look and who you are looking for. Remember your target group. I mean you wouldn't join a technical list if you wanted to interact with prospects that were getting married. You must qualify prospect by making them realize that you are talking about them. You can find more about this in a recent article I wrote: HEY! You're Talking About Me! This article will offer an example of getting prospect to realize that they should be listening to what you have to say. Once you have their attention then what? You have to get them to see benefit of your product or services. Here are 3 crucial questions you must answer to make your prospect see your benefits. 1) What exactly is benefit of your product or service 2) How will you go about making this benefit work for them. 3) Why they will be more successful with your product or service. As soon as you have prospect's attention, tell them benefit (your product or service) that you provide. Keep it clear, easy to understand, short and to point. Describe your service or product in such a way that there is no mistaking yours will make difference. Offer proof of competence, experience and testimonials. Don't over do it. Just a little invites interest, too much invites suspicion.
| | Scientific Advertising (is) for DummiesWritten by Linda Cox
Perhaps most revered of all marketing books is "Scientific Advertising" by Claude C. Hopkins. And why not? It's been dampening enthusiasm, mauling budgets and scuttling good ideas for nearly a century."Sacrilege!" I hear you cry. "'Scientific Advertising' is bible of modern advertising! Claude C. Hopkins is founding father of modern marketing!" Yeah, yeah, yeah... The main point of book "Scientific Advertising" is that in advertising, Testing Is Good, which raises an important question: Is testing good? Interestingly, no. More accurately, no. Well, okay, yes. But not really. Out in real world, and here in cyberspace as well, testing is a dream that quickly plummets into night terrors. By conservative estimates, 80% of (costly) advertising tests yield no usable or useful information whatsoever. Typically, frustrated bosses first stumble on Claude's book and wave it around like a talisman to ward off artsy and unquantifiable marketing voodoo. That's how it starts. Next comes a meeting where unwashed staff is introduced to blindingly luminous (though currently idle) mind of Claude C. Hopkins. This is when marketers groan. They know what's coming and they know it's gonna be ugly. The boss has had an epiphany. The clouds have parted and Claude has shined down upon him: Testing is Golden Key! Testing will Set Us Free! Testing will Unlock Vaults of Heaven! Testing RULES! For marketers, this is a no-win situation at every level. First, testing is a drag. Second, it's stupid. Third, it's dumb. Fourth, it doesn't work. Fifth, when it works, it doesn't matter. Before you left-brainers and accountants out there get all flippy-dinkled, let me point out that there are exceptions where it does work and where it does make sense. Say, for instance, you're running a direct mail campaign, sending out a million pieces a week to an AARP list to yank on heartstrings of old people and get them to send in donations they can't afford, two cents on every dollar of which actually makes it through to buy beepers for grotesquely impoverished but achingly photogenic children somewhere arid. One of your copywriters will hemorrhage messily if headline above picture of distended-bellied little village boy too weak from hunger to blink flies off his own eyeballs isn't "Hey, old person! How can you let this go on?!?!" Another copywriter will open fire on secretarial staff if headline isn't "Hey, old person! How can you let this happen?!?!"