Getting Out of the Zone! Written by Damien Senn
We’ve probably all heard famous movie quip, “why don’t you wait here while I slip into something a little more comfortable”. It’s a comment to make most of our ears (particularly male ones!) stand up on end with anticipation that film has actually taken a turn for better. In real life however, slipping ‘into’ something more comfortable can often lead to outcomes that are anything other than desirable. To create a compelling life, often what we need to do is ‘slip out of comfort’ and into something a little more challenging, a little more exciting and a lot more rewarding! What is ‘Comfort Zone’? The ‘Comfort Zone’ is a situation where a particular level of ‘non strenuous’ effort produces a fairly certain and familiar result, albeit in most cases, a pretty average one. As our species evolves, we seem to be preoccupied with living in comfort zone. I mean who can imagine extreme torture one might experience from getting up off couch to change channels or to walk down street to pick up a pizza! The sad thing is that this state of lethargy seeps into way we live rest of our lives. The attraction of comfort zone can be quite compelling because of common human fear of unknown. Lets face it, when it really comes down to it, most of us don’t really like surprises. A probable average result is often much preferable to possibility of an outstanding but uncertain one. What most people don’t realise is that getting out of ‘Comfort Zone’ gives you opportunity to slip into arena of ‘Pleasure Zone’. Why aren’t more people successful? I heard a very successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker asked question “Why aren’t more people successful?” He responded by saying that it’s “because it takes real skill to die of starvation in countries such as UK, US and Australia.”
| | Miracles HappenWritten by Staci Stallings
I know miracles happen because I've witnessed one first hand. I'd like to take credit for it, but truth is all I did was step out on a limb that I was sure might snap at any moment. The limb was called sending a little unsolicited help to someone in dire need of some. At time person I sent it to was going through a messy, heart-wrenching divorce only a year after saying vows he thought would carry him through a lifetime. The young lady whom we all thought world of turned out to have more secrets than most of us accumulate in a lifetime. They tried to make it work, but when a beautiful piece of fruit is rotten to core, saving it in its present form is pointless.Devastated and alone, this young man whom I have always greatly admired for his forthrightness, determination, and heart suddenly lost sparkle in his eyes. He looked so sad--like he had given up on life itself. I prayed and sent good thoughts his way, but still his eyes haunted me. Then a book came into my possession. Upon reading it, I thought that if anything could make a difference, maybe this had a shot. I knew he would think I was insane for sending it--the way we all think that others are appalled when we go outside without make-up when in reality they are too busy worrying about their own bad hair day to notice. So, I took a deep breath, put his address on it, and sent it, figuring that would be last I would hear about it. A month or so later, this young man's sister, who is a closer friend to me than he is, asked what book I gave him. I told her title and asked, "Why?" She said he had read whole thing even though he isn't a reader and had then gone and bought four copies to give to friends. She was wondering because she wanted to get a copy for herself. I was in a little shock, but I was happy he had made good use of it. But never could I have prepared myself for what happened next. Apparently he gave a copy to his parents who began raving about book to anyone who would listen. His sister and her husband finished it and had a similar reaction. By this point my mom was busting with curiosity to read it so she asked sister if she could borrow her copy. When sister brought copy to my mom, MY SISTER happened to be there. Now my sister had heard all wonderful stories about book... How original young man had found new faith in God from it, how his parents had embraced a new day and let go of hurt and anger at situation, how even people that young man worked with had started to turn around because of it.