Getting Life Balance ... At Last

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

There’s a lot of talk these days about life balance. For many of us, life is out-of-balance – too much work, too little family, too much sitting, too little exercise; too much sugar, too little green vegetables; too much stress, too little relaxation.

If you go to a “life balance coach,” you’ll probably be told to make a pie chart of your life, and to start removing things that are stressing you.

It may be suggested you change your job or career, change your partner, get more day care forrepparttar kids, hire a maid, get more exercise, eat more carbs, set priorities, rearrange your schedule, or move around other external things.

These are important, but it’s treatingrepparttar 101601 symptom, notrepparttar 101602 cause. There’s a better way to get life balance that lasts longer and has a deeper impact on your life. It requires that you make some internal changes.

After all, you will never be able to remove every source of stress in your life, nor would you want to. Consider for instance that your husband is currently cause you stress. Maybe he’s just had a quadruple bypass or you’re worried he will. Maybe your wife has gotten a promotion and is very on edge lately and difficult to be with. There is stress inrepparttar 101603 relationship, but is this a reason to throw your partner out, like “toleration”? A person is not a “toleration,” and your primary relationships are not “obstacles.” And if you need an extreme example of this faulty line of reasoning – consider how much stress that little ole newborn baby put into your life!

But not only can we not get rid of all our stress, we wouldn’t want to. It is widely reported in psychological literature that every organism (including we humans) seeks what’s called “equilibrium.”

Like Goldilocks andrepparttar 101604 Three Bears, we don’t want too much, and we don’t want too little. We want it just right! Subjects who have spent hours in a sensory deprivation tank are miserable, just likerepparttar 101605 adrenalin-junkie onrepparttar 101606 corporate merry-go-round.

The ideal is to have justrepparttar 101607 right amount of stress, change and emotion in your life – not too much, not too little, and just right. And allrepparttar 101608 time. Ha!

What happens, then, to our “life balance”? We look inside, not outside. There is no way we are going to be able to control external things. Just when you settle down for a relaxing evening at home,repparttar 101609 neighbor’s fire alarm goes off, and fire engines start arriving. Who knew?

Dress to Impress

Written by Marisa Pellegrino

Have you ever wondered why that girl fromrepparttar bar never called you back? The conversation came easy,repparttar 101600 drinks were flowing, you could feelrepparttar 101601 chemistry, and you were dressed to kill?or were you?

Your mother always told you that you only get one chance to make a first impression and first impressions can make or break you. Women look at every last detail, from your tasseled shoes torepparttar 101602 amount of goop you have in your hair. Be honest guys, women aren?trepparttar 101603 only ones who try on ten different outfits before deciding what to wear for a night out onrepparttar 101604 town. And it is perfectly normal. But how do you know which outfit isrepparttar 101605 right one to impressrepparttar 101606 girl on your first date?

Let me take you through it step by step. Clothes aren?trepparttar 101607 only thing a woman looks at when you?re dressing to impress; it?srepparttar 101608 whole package. Fortunately or not,repparttar 101609 outside is what she sees first. What you see is sometimes what you get. So what do you wear?

Out withrepparttar 101610 Old?

Rule number one is: don?t under dress. Guys have a tendency to pull on a pair of pants andrepparttar 101611 first shirt they find and head outrepparttar 101612 door. You have to look put-together, like some sort of effort was made for her. So take those ratty, old tennis shoes and toss ?em! Take your t-shirts with big, loud prints and forget about them! And yes, women think carpenters are sexy but that doesn?t give yourepparttar 101613 green light to wear your paint-stained jeans. The solution is simple. Ask a friend (male or female) overrepparttar 101614 day of your big date. Not only will they help calm your nerves but they?ll also give you their honest opinion on your chosen outfit. Second, an iron can also be a man?s best friend. You?d be surprised what a little pressing can do to change your look. Finally, don?t rush! There?s nothing wrong with taking an extra half hour to prepare. If you takerepparttar 101615 time to get ready, your date will takerepparttar 101616 time to notice.

?in withrepparttar 101617 New

So whilerepparttar 101618 first rule might seem simple enough, some guys might take it too far, which brings us to rule number two: don?t overdress. We don?t expect you to know allrepparttar 101619 latest fashion trends ofrepparttar 101620 day and we don?t expect you to follow them either. This second rule doesn?t only deal with being a label whore but also with men going overboard; that is to say those men don?t know when enough is enough. While some guys take a shirt, smell it and decide whether or not it is clean, others think their shirt has to say Hugo Boss, Armani, or Ralph Lauren to look good. So let?s make your sweater selection. Stay away from Grandma?s knitted birthday gift and nipple shirts. The former screams little kid whilerepparttar 101621 latter leaves nothing torepparttar 101622 imagination. The tight shirt may not be an option if you?re not comfortable enough with your body, but if you are physically fit, why not letrepparttar 101623 woman imagine what?s under there to maintain an element of mystery. You can?t go wrong with a button shirt, leavingrepparttar 101624 first couple of buttons atrepparttar 101625 top undone. It?s casual, comfortable, and classic.

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