Getting Beyond the Buyer!

Written by Steve Waterhouse

One ofrepparttar most common questions I receive from my clients and those I coach is, "how do I get pastrepparttar 139412 buyer torepparttar 139413 real decision maker". This is clearly one ofrepparttar 139414 most important questions for any sales professional to answer because so much rests on reachingrepparttar 139415 real economic buyer. Onlyrepparttar 139416 true decision maker can understandrepparttar 139417 total value that your offering brings to their company. Onlyrepparttar 139418 true decision maker can appreciate that a partnering relationship with your company may berepparttar 139419 best way to reach their goals. Onlyrepparttar 139420 true decision maker can redefine their own needs based on your input and, as a result, end up buying something completely different fromrepparttar 139421 initial specification. Buyers live to satisfyrepparttar 139422 written definitions of others. True decision makers live to solve problems for themselves and their companies.

This age old problem had been made easier to solve asrepparttar 139423 complexity ofrepparttar 139424 sale has increased. Here are two techniques that take advantage ofrepparttar 139425 complexity in a sale to help you get torepparttar 139426 real decision makers.

1. It would be irresponsible

Too oftenrepparttar 139427 buyer presents us with an RFP (request for proposal) or specification that someone else wrote. Inrepparttar 139428 mistaken belief that they are doing their job, they attempt to block access to those who actually wrote these documents. You know you must get through!

Step one is to reviewrepparttar 139429 requirement:

Determine whatrepparttar 139430 original decision maker might have been trying to accomplish when they wroterepparttar 139431 specification. Imagine, for instance, thatrepparttar 139432 specification is for new accounting software. Whilerepparttar 139433 specification calls outrepparttar 139434 requirements, it does not detailrepparttar 139435 problems thatrepparttar 139436 company is attempting to solve. I may not mentionrepparttar 139437 new SEC requirements or changes in their Board's policies. Furthermore,repparttar 139438 buyer could not possibly answer detailed questions about these issues.

Step two is to definerepparttar 139439 rules of business:

Rather than being a vendor of a simple product, define yourself as a provider of comprehensive solutions to complex problems. As such, you and your team are obligated to makerepparttar 139440 following request: "Since this software covers areas of legal and corporate compliance, it would be irresponsible of me to sell you something that might not comply. For that reason, we are required to conduct a brief needs analysis withrepparttar 139441 ultimate decision makers."

This technique can work in a wide variety of situations. The power rests in your honest ability to position yourself as more than a vendor. By creating a situation in whichrepparttar 139442 buyer feels obligated to connect you withrepparttar 139443 real decision maker, you gain an advantage over all others. Warning: Be sure to makerepparttar 139444 buyer a hero inrepparttar 139445 process. Let it be known torepparttar 139446 higher-ups thatrepparttar 139447 buyer's astute awareness torepparttar 139448 ramifications of this purchase made it possible for you to do a better job forrepparttar 139449 client.

Assume the Best

Written by Steve Waterhouse

Assumerepparttar Best by Steve Waterhouse

Much ofrepparttar 139411 friction between members of a selling team comes from unspoken expectations left unmet. The sales manager expectsrepparttar 139412 report to be in by Monday orrepparttar 139413 marketing department expectsrepparttar 139414 leads to be followed up withinrepparttar 139415 month. When expectations are not met, we may begin to devaluerepparttar 139416 effort made byrepparttar 139417 offending person. If Bill is late withrepparttar 139418 report we assume that Bill is behind in everything and thatrepparttar 139419 cause is Bill's poor work habits. If Joanne is did not follow up onrepparttar 139420 leads we assume she is slacking off and is not doing her job. The net result of this accusatory behavior is low moral, a reduced willingness for others to support these team members, and a general lowering of team effectiveness. In a program I gave recently, I heard a very different view of these situations. One that made me stop and think.

Duringrepparttar 139421 seminar I had askedrepparttar 139422 sales team why they were not able to make some ofrepparttar 139423 necessary changes that we had agreed needed to be made. Almost instantly, a flurry of blaming started. "The marketing department never gets anything right." "Operations never comes through on their commitments." "We just don't getrepparttar 139424 support we need." As I started to untangle this mess, Robert,repparttar 139425 Vice President of Sales stood up and addressed his team. "Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "when you make these statements, you do so without knowingrepparttar 139426 whole picture. You do so without knowingrepparttar 139427 other priorities and stresses that are forced upon these people on a daily basis. You should know that I am aware that some of these people are not doing their jobs as they should. Most ofrepparttar 139428 problems you see inrepparttar 139429 field are even clearer to us inrepparttar 139430 plant. I promise you that we are dealing with many of these situations as we speak. Inrepparttar 139431 meantime, may I suggest we assume that each of our team members is doingrepparttar 139432 best they can? In most cases you will be right. And in all cases you will show your fellow team membersrepparttar 139433 respect that they deserve. Isn't that how you want them to view you? As doingrepparttar 139434 best you can?"

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