Get to Know People through Websites

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Web sites are places to get to know and understand each other as real people. Web sites are not just places to sell things; they are a medium where people can get insight into other people’s lives. Takerepparttar musician Xavier Rudd for example. I recently saw this guy play at a concert and had never previously heard his music. He was really cool, literally blowing me away with his many skills, beautiful music, positive energy, and humble attitude. So being thus affected, I decided to check out if he had a website onrepparttar 118335 Internet. After finding his site ( I automatically got to become more acquainted withrepparttar 118336 man, not as a fan looking up to a so-called ‘star’, but as a human being receiving real insight intorepparttar 118337 workings of another individual in our global human community.

First, just let me tell you a little about seeing this fellow play live. He is literally a one-man band! While sitting down he plays a stomp-box (type of drum), a lap guitar or several other 6 and 12 string acoustic electric guitars, while simultaneous alternating between playing one of three Australian Aborigine Didgeridoos or harmonicas which are placed in front of him on a stand. He sings intelligent thoughtful lyrics in between blowing and his voice ranges from softly spoken to powerful rebellious yelling. On his site he explains in one newspaper article interview that he goes into a trance while playing…I don’t see how he’d be able to do it all otherwise!

The idea is, and this goes for any and every website onrepparttar 118338 Internet, business or personal, that your website is a place to share your identity as well as links to other identities (people) inrepparttar 118339 community. On Xavier’s site, (I call him by his first name as I now feel I know him on a more personal level, although he doesn’t yet know of me) you can read a few journal entries from his recent tour in Alaska and Canada. As these words come straight from his own mouth/pen/keyboard/mind, visitors torepparttar 118340 site can see into how this guy viewsrepparttar 118341 world around him. The style and content of personal language can really tell you a lot about someone’s personality.

Of course inrepparttar 118342 old days there was no real way of knowingrepparttar 118343 people you admired. This personalized approach to website communicative interaction need not be solely used in this paradigm. Businesses and individuals can now connect withrepparttar 118344 wider community on a much closer, intimate level. Just imagine if you got to know whatrepparttar 118345 CEO of your electricity provider’s views were on important issues that affect us all, like environmental sustainability. Or, how about knowing that they like to listen to Mozart and play with remote control cars?

Increase Your Web Site Traffic

Written by James Hendrix

Looking for a way to increase traffic to your web site? More traffic to you web site can increase sales and advertising revenue. Once your web site is completed,repparttar actual costs of runningrepparttar 118334 web site are very minimal.

The challenge now is to get more visitors to your web site. You can purchase PPC (Pay per Click) but that can add up very quickly. If you are paying 10 cents a click, and you get 100 people clicking per day, your costs just went up $10. Now multiply that by 30 days and you are spending at least $300 just for clicks. Out of all those people clicking, very few will purchase anything and your advertising dollars are not working very well.

However, there are some options that will not cost anything but will require some work.

First thing is to list your website at a free web directory, such as wide-world-directory and then seek out other directories that will list you web site for free. This starts producing backlinks (links from other web sites to your web site).

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