Get the bling without the sting - affordable engagement rings

Written by Alex Miller

Just because you don't have a lot of money doesn't mean you can't find an affordable engagement ring that looks like it cost a fortune.

Tips on getting more diamond for your dollar when choosing an affordable engagement ring

First,repparttar diamond shape you choose can help make your ring look like it's worth a lot more than you really paid. A marquise-shaped diamond, for example, looks larger than a round diamond. Pear-shaped and oval-shaped diamonds are also good choices for diamond engagement rings because they look larger than their round counterpart.

The setting you choose can also make your engagement ring look very glitzy and expensive. In particular, an Illusion setting. The diamond is mounted on a metal plate similar to a mirror, which makesrepparttar 130114 diamond appear bigger and more brilliant.

The quality ofrepparttar 130115 diamond you choose is also important if you want an affordable engagement ring. Your personal preference will prevail, but it's possible to sacrifice quality for size. Colored diamonds are a popular choice, so one possibility is to opt for a lower grade color to get more diamond for your dollar.

Is bigger better? The how-to's when shopping for diamonds

Written by Alex Miller

Buying a diamond can be an exhilarating but daunting adventure, especially if you're a newbie.

If I could offer only one piece of advice it would be this: Learn as much as you can aboutrepparttar 4Cs before you go shopping.

Forrepparttar 130113 uninitiated, that's cut, color, clarity and carat weight. And I like to add one more - common sense.

Choosingrepparttar 130114 perfect diamond (and there's no such thing asrepparttar 130115 "perfect" diamond, although a few have come close) is as much a matter of personal taste as it is a matter ofrepparttar 130116 diamond's characteristics.

Some couples are willing to forego quality for size, others preferrepparttar 130117 brilliance of a flawless blue-white diamond over a larger stone with less clarity.

You berepparttar 130118 judge - but not until you're clear about those characteristics I mentioned. I suggest you read our Diamond Buying Guide, or go to one ofrepparttar 130119 quality online jewelers such as or

Talk to any jeweler and they'll all give you a different opinion as to what they believe isrepparttar 130120 most important quality of a diamond.

According to Mayer Herz, Vice President of Diamond Acquisition at, "Cut isrepparttar 130121 most important consideration if you're on a budget. You can make up for low color and clarity ifrepparttar 130122 stone is well cut."

However, Joseph Schlussel, Publisher of Diamond Registry Bulletin, says "I personally believe that color isrepparttar 130123 most important thing. Most people who go into a store today, they are told about cut. But I look at what you can see with a naked eye. I would put cutrepparttar 130124 last, because most people can't see it."

The safest all-round bet is to look forrepparttar 130125 overall "package", withrepparttar 130126 levels of cut, clarity, color and size as good as you can get forrepparttar 130127 price you're willing to pay.

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