Get real about Home Businesses!!!

Written by Michelle Cornes

Copyright 2005 Michelle Cornes

Are you thinking it might be time to take control and work for yourself?

The degree to which YOU are up for this challenge is everything. Here are some ofrepparttar things about yourself that you really need to be thinking about:

How much do you really want to redesign your life? How much does this mean to you? What will you and your life look like 5 years, 10 years downrepparttar 142306 track if you stay onrepparttar 142307 track you are currently on? (and let's face it... most of us work our tails off for 40 odd years, pay our bills, pay our taxes... and die without leaving any substantial financial legacy behind us. In my view - that's a pretty odd plan for a life... and a long way from what we imagined we would do with our lives in our earlier days!)

So - how much do you want a different future - and what sacrifices are you prepared to make to achieve that? Do you want much more from your life and efforts - without making any extra effort?

If that'srepparttar 142308 case - I suggest you stay employed by someone else. If you are prepared to learn new skills and develop a higher value torepparttar 142309 marketplace than you currently command - then self employment could be for you.

How teachable and receptive are you to new ideas and new ways of thinking and behaving? You want more - you have to become more!! Are you prepared to learn and grow and develop as an entrepreneur?

In business - you don't get paid for turning up... you get paid forrepparttar 142310 value you bring torepparttar 142311 marketplace. Are you prepared to understand that and work on learning how to add value to what you offerrepparttar 142312 marketplace? The marketplace pays on value - not on need, or hours used.

Are you a stayer or a quitter? Are you going to finish what you start and see it through? Focus, patience and self discipline are common to people who are successful in any field of endeavour (sport,repparttar 142313 arts, business... doesn't matter!)

You will never truly succeed at anything if you are prone to tantrums and giving up as soon as something doesn't gorepparttar 142314 way you expected or wanted... and things in business will sometimes go wrong!

Are you EXCITED and PASSIONATE aboutrepparttar 142315 future that could be yours if you work for yourself and get it right? Are you liberated byrepparttar 142316 idea that you can become more valuable and with work and time can totally reshaperepparttar 142317 future for yourself and your loved ones? Do you BELIEVE you can change your destiny and do something "different" - or do you think that's not really possible for you? Has life got you byrepparttar 142318 throat - and you can't see any possible way of that changing... or are you ready to fight for your future and make it a reality?

Engineer-to-Order ERP Leader Encompix Selected by Formglas

Written by Thomas Cutler

Formglas, Inc. ( recently joinedrepparttar fraternity of Engineer-to-Order/project-based manufacturing companies. Formglas placed an initial order for 20 seats of Encompix with implementation and support services. Formglas, located in Toronto has 4 operating divisions. The primary division (commercial construction) provides custom gypsum-based products torepparttar 142300 construction industry. The gypsum products are used in place of heavier, more expensive, more flammable materials like wood. Formglas specializes in providing ornamental ceiling and wall fixtures torepparttar 142301 Casino and cruise ship industries. Their other divisions are architectural, fireplace and CNC Pattern.

A typical project for them begins with a quotation to provide a certain amount of a product that has been designed by an architect to a customer building a large facility. Formglas provides a quotation in number of pieces and feet using several custom dimensions. They make a pattern (mold) to use inrepparttar 142302 production ofrepparttar 142303 final product. Formglas is like many of mold makers in their system requirements. Oncerepparttar 142304 patterns are completerepparttar 142305 company makes a recipe of gypsum or glass and then manually pressesrepparttar 142306 gypsum intorepparttar 142307 pattern. The gypsum dries, is finished, (painted, sanded, etc) and then stored for shipment torepparttar 142308 job site. The shipments and production schedule are timed in accordance withrepparttar 142309 project site build schedule.

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