Get Your Own Web Site

Written by Sheena Salmon

Get Your Own Web Site

Here is a list of some basic things that should be done to get your own professional web site onrepparttar web.

Register your domain name. There are several places where you can register your domain name. To checkrepparttar 132636 availability ofrepparttar 132637 name go to

Find a web site host.

There are web hosts available for every budget. Make sure it is dependable. Some hosts do not manage their servers,repparttar 132638 computer where your web page will be stored, very well. Choose a company that can handle a large amount of traffic torepparttar 132639 site. Many lower cost web site hosts are virtual web hosts. This means that more that one web account is stored onrepparttar 132640 server. A good web site hosting company will be able regulaterepparttar 132641 amount of traffic each web account has. That way if another account on your server is has too much web traffic your web site is still available to your visitors.

Slow Loading Pages

Written by Jeff Colburn

One ofrepparttar biggest problems you will encounter, and one that visitors really hate, is slow loading pages. This is usually caused by having either too many graphics, or graphics that are too large. But not to worry, there are some simple solutions.

Contrary to whatrepparttar 132634 Internet industry wants you to believe; about 90% of Internet users are still using slow dial-up connections. Download speeds of 3k to 5k per second are not uncommon. Faster cable and DSL connections that offer up to 250k download speeds still often only download at a rate of 50k to 60k.

Ideally, a page should load in 20 seconds or less. So with a dial-up connection, that great looking 250k graphic you have on your page will take about 62 seconds to download. Then if you have other graphics it could easily take over two minutes to seerepparttar 132635 page. I don't know about you, but I don't wait more than a minute for a page to load. I use a high speed cable connection torepparttar 132636 internet, and I've still gone to pages that were so graphics intensive that my browser timed out beforerepparttar 132637 page could load. If this happens, or people just get tired of waiting, then your site is useless because no one will ever see it.

The best thing you can do is not get carried away with graphics. Using them sparingly isrepparttar 132638 easiest way to keeprepparttar 132639 size of a page down, so that it will load faster. If for some reason, you need to have a lot of graphics there are two ways to make them load more quickly.

The first thing to try is to optimize your graphics. Most graphics programs have this feature built into them. Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator call this feature "Save for web." When you choose this option you are given several choices for your graphic, which will determinerepparttar 132640 final size of your image. It's not uncommon for me to optimize a 250k image down to 30k and not be able to tellrepparttar 132641 difference between this image andrepparttar 132642 original.

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