Get Your Baby Off to a Healthy Start--Begin Before It's Born!

Written by Larry Denton

Did you know that every year nearly one million American women deliver babies without receiving adequate medical attention? Or that babies born to mothers who received no prenatal care are three times more likely to be born at low birth weight, and five times more likely to die, than those whose mothers received prenatal care?

If you are pregnant, there are programs in your state, that can help you deliver a healthy baby. These programs offer medical care, support and advice for pregnant women, and information about health insurance and other services you and your baby may need. For information about prenatal services in your community call (toll free) 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229). For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081. Or to gainrepparttar information you need to have a healthy baby contact your state or local health department.

There are five vitally important things you can do to have a healthy pregnancy and deliver a healthy child. First, see a doctor or other health care provider fromrepparttar 135761 start of your pregnancy. Prenatal care is medical attention given torepparttar 135762 expectant mother and her developing baby. It also involvesrepparttar 135763 mother's caring for herself by followingrepparttar 135764 health care provider's advice, eating nutritious meals, getting plenty of rest, exercising sensibly, and avoiding things that could harm her or her baby.

Secondly, don't drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or take drugs during your pregnancy. There is simply NO safe level of alcohol consumption if you are pregnant. One drink may be too many, since any alcohol you drink enters both your and your baby's bloodstream. Alcohol usage during pregnancy may cause fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), in which babies suffer from physical, behavioral, and mental problems.

As for drugs, even some legal, over-the-counter medications--antihistamines or pain medications that contain ibuprofen--can be harmful to a developing fetus. Don't take ANY medication without first consulting with your health care provider. Be careful of vitamins, as well. Although you may need more iron, calcium, or folic acid, too much of other nutrients can harm your baby. Again, consult your doctor.

Intensional Healing

Written by Judi Singleton

Intensional Healing Our body was made to carry outrepparttar commands ofrepparttar 135760 mind and to do those things we bid it to do. We have no trouble kicking up our legs or reaching out with our hand; however some how we have trouble believing when we start telling our bodies to heal itself. Using affirmations and visualizing will heal your body. Are you having trouble with illness and dis-ease then try some of these affirmations today or better yet take these and put them in your own words.

I am abundantly healthy.

My mind/body is one unit so, as I would direct my hand to reach out ,I now direct my body and it is healed.

I send allrepparttar 135761 healing power of my body to my dis-ease and it is healed.

I love and appreciate this dis-ease for what it has to teach me.

I deserve to have abundant health and I claim it as my natural state of being now.

Unless you truly believe that your body will obey you then you Do you believe these statements orrepparttar 135762 ones you have written. The first step in healing is just believing you can heal yourself.

The body is constantly looking for abundant health. It replaces hair and skin. It will heal a cold without you and allrepparttar 135763 overrepparttar 135764 counter medicines you take. It fights infection. It can heal your bones when they are broken. It always heals if you get out of its way and allow it to do what it does. So why do we believe our bodies can easily heal some dis-eases and not others.

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