Get What You Want - Negotiating Skills for the Timid!

Written by Kim Beardsmore

OK, I know this title sounds self-serving and hard nosed, butrepparttar article isn't! Whether it's buying a car, asking for a pay rise, saying 'no' to a friend or renting an apartment - at some stage in our lives we all are going to need to know how to negotiate. Yet, so few of us knowrepparttar 100335 basic skills before embarking on life changing purchases or decisions!

This article is written for those TIMID folk who want to feel more confident inrepparttar 100336 basic skills of negotiating. These arerepparttar 100337 skills I have learnt that have made allrepparttar 100338 difference inrepparttar 100339 world to my approach to asking for what I want. Beingrepparttar 100340 ultimate 'server' (i.e. always helping others) and 'pacifier' (i.e. always smoothing over conflict) I figure there are plenty of people who would like to know these skills which, believe me, don't come naturally to some folk! Yet, they can make a significant difference to your sense of confidence when you learn them.

Here are 8 keys to learning how to negotiate well (for timid people who hate conflict).

1. Knowrepparttar 100341 outcome you want.

Do you want a win-win outcome where both parties benefit? Or a win-lose outcome where someone (presumablyrepparttar 100342 other party) is not happy withrepparttar 100343 result?

It is important you know what type of outcome you want because that will affectrepparttar 100344 long term relationship you have withrepparttar 100345 other party. Win-win outcomes are beneficial where you have an ongoing relationship. For example, when you negotiate a pay rise, you don't want your boss to feel he/she isrepparttar 100346 'loser'. However, if you are buying a car from a car lot, you may not be so concerned about whetherrepparttar 100347 car salesperson feels as though they 'won' inrepparttar 100348 negotiation!

2. Know your 'position'.

How important is this deal to you? How much do you need it? Could you walk away fromrepparttar 100349 deal? What alternatives do you have? What is your "bottom line" and what (if anything) are you prepared to concede? You should not start negotiating until you have thought through and considered all ofrepparttar 100350 consequences for all ofrepparttar 100351 different outcomes that may eventuate.

3. Know your counterpart's 'position'.

Try to work out what is important to them inrepparttar 100352 deal. When you know that you have an advantage. Try not to reveal what is important to you! Keep a poker face and play your cards close to your chest.

4. Work out different scenarios ahead of time.

Being caught by surprise will NOT strengthen your position! Think through allrepparttar 100353 different possibilities which may eventuate and plan for each and every one of them. It is useful to brainstorm and write down on a piece of paper what could possibly happen. For example, if they said, "XYZ" - I would respond with, "ABC". This way you can be prepared for just about anything that may happen.

Are You Made To Run An Internet Business

Written by Michel Richer

Are You Made To Run An Internet Business

Many people would like to have their own internet business. They likerepparttar idea of being their own boss. They likerepparttar 100334 idea to work from their home office. They likerepparttar 100335 idea of making a substancial income of around $10 000 + a month.

Does this sound tempting to you ?

If yes, it is important to ask yourself some though question before thinking about running an internet business.

Do you really want to work from your home office ?

Many likerepparttar 100336 benefits of an internet business, but few take into accountrepparttar 100337 hard work that must be made to succeed with a business. Please don't make this mistake yourself.

Are you able and willing to invest time and effort even when you don't see direct result for maybe some months? Are yourepparttar 100338 type to discipline yourself to work every day ? Are you willing to learn and to follow training? Can you motivate yourself every day for month and years to come ?


You need to possessrepparttar 100339 ability to push yourself ahead. Your drive and determination will be reinforced with every new sale.

To really succeed with your internet business you need to have clear goals and a business plan. You need to know where your business is going. You also need to put lot's of time and effort to excelerate your business growth.

Running an internet business demand a lot of skills like computer knowledge of course. Marketing (copywriting, advertising). Website design & development etc.

By learning and experimenting you will gain lot's of experience. When you have a lot's of experience you become an expert in your field, wich is a great thing for your business.

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