Get Paid to Complete Offers and Shop

Written by Gerardas Norkus

I think everyone knows about PTRE (Paid To Read Email) opportunities today.

For those who don't know how PTRE companies work here's a short explanation:

1. You sign up with a PTRE company, e.g. (plus you usually receive a free sign-up bonus). 2. Advertisers send you emails according to your selected interests. If you click on paid links you get paid about $0.01 - $0.10. 3. You can also refer your friends and make referral commissions when they read paid emails fromrepparttar PTRE company. 4. You get paid when you reach PTRE company's payout minimum.

The problem is with PTRE sites you are paid only $0.01 - $0.10 for each email, and it could take years for you to reachrepparttar 113243 payout minimum, unless you refer hundreds of your friends and earn good referral commissions.

If you would like to earn cash fast I highly recommend to join companies that pay you to complete offers and shop.

You can earn several hundred dollars, reach your payout minimum and request your paymentrepparttar 113244 same day with these companies.

No kidding!

These companies have all kinds of products and services (offers) from their advertisers - books, credit cards, CDs, DVDs, health products etc. When you sign up for any of their offers you get paid not $0.01 - $0.10 like it is with paid email, but you can earn up to $30 for completing a single offer!

The Truth About Paid Online Surveys - A Question and Answer Session

Written by Chris Ohlson

With thousands of people trying to find a way to make some extra money online everyday, paid online survey sites are popping up everywhere. With so many out there (some good, some – well, not so good) it’s hard to determine what to believe. In an attempt to clarifyrepparttar ins and outs, andrepparttar 113242 myths and realities of paid online surveys, I’ve composed a series of questions and answers to help you sort everything out. We’ll start withrepparttar 113243 basics and then get intorepparttar 113244 nitty gritty.

Question: Is this for real? Why would someone pay me to take online surveys? Answer: Yes, this is for real. There are literally hundreds of legitimate market research companies out there who offer incentives for your opinion. Companies have come to these firms to get public opinions on their products or services and are willing to pay them to find out what you think. They then pass some of that payment onto you.

Question: What arerepparttar 113245 surveys about? Answer: Just about anything that you can think of. You may be asked to review a movie trailer for a new movie, what kind of peanut butter you like, what restaurants you frequent, you name it. From barbeque grills to medical questions to appliances to what you had for dinner last night. There are sites for specific age groups, professions, hobbies and interests. The surveys are generally very interesting and these companies are looking for your opinion on how to shape their products.

Question: How does it work? Answer: Each company works a bit differently, but here arerepparttar 113246 basics of online surveys. You will sign-up for a paid survey site. You will enter some basic demographic information (age, gender, etc…), and when they have a survey available in which they are looking for someone who fits your profile, they will send you an invitation to take a survey. The invitation will usually contain a link directly torepparttar 113247 survey andrepparttar 113248 incentive they are offering for you to takerepparttar 113249 survey. Just click onrepparttar 113250 link and takerepparttar 113251 survey to qualify forrepparttar 113252 reward.

Question: What kinds of incentives are offered? Answer: The incentives vary for each site, but generallyrepparttar 113253 incentives takerepparttar 113254 following forms: cash, gift certificates (Amazon gift certificates beingrepparttar 113255 most popular), merchandise (DVDs, small appliances, electronic gadgets, cookware, etc…), and charity donations. Each survey site will offer one or several ofrepparttar 113256 above incentives for your participation in their surveys. Some will offer these straight out, for example “get paid $5.00 to take this survey”, some offer these inrepparttar 113257 form of a drawing and others have a point system in which accumulated points can be “cashed in” forrepparttar 113258 items above.

Question: Will you get spammed by signing up for paid survey sites? Answer: No, but you do have to be careful. There are some sites out there that are simply advertising firms posing as paid online survey sites. Here’s my advise on how to tellrepparttar 113259 difference. First, if they offer you a chance at a fantastic prize for signing up, such as a car or a boat, I would be a bit weary and do some more research before you sign-up. Second, ifrepparttar 113260 survey to sign-up forrepparttar 113261 site consists of a lot of questions as to whether or not you want more information on other products, walk away, you’re certain to get spammed. Just remember that a legitimate market research firm will not endorse a product or service, they are supposed to be unbiased. Third, readrepparttar 113262 privacy policy if you have any concerns. The majority ofrepparttar 113263 sites out there are legitimate and will only email you if there is a survey available or if there is important information they need to notify you of.

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