Get Out Of The Stone Age: Give Leadership Talks

Written by Brent Filson

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Summary: Many leaders haverepparttar 103235 wrong idea of what is important in terms of communication. Brent Filson observes that it's just not sending information that is critical, but making all-important deep human connections with people.

Get Out Of The Stone Age: Give Leadership Talks. By Brent Filson

160 years ago,repparttar 103236 newly invented electric telegraph carriedrepparttar 103237 first news message. The message zipped 40 miles in a flash over wires from Baltimore to Washington, D.C.

The public was dazzled -- except Henry David Thoreau. He wrote: "We are in great haste to construct a magnetic telegraph from Maine to Texas; but Maine and Texas, it may be, have nothing important to communicate."

Today, we live in a Golden Age of communication. We haverepparttar 103238 Internet. We have faxes. We have e-mails. We have streaming video. We have on-line audio. We have RSS feeds. We have logs and blogs.

Yet today Thoreau is as right as rain. When it comes to really getting our messages across, we're stuck inrepparttar 103239 Stone Age.

Here's why. The vast majority of business leaders I've encountered are repeatedly making a huge mistake in communication, a mistake that's screwing up their jobs and careers. They're stuck giving presentations and speeches. They're NOT giving Leadership Talks!

What's a Leadership Talk? Look at it this way: There's a hierarchy of verbal persuasion when it comes to business leadership. The lowest levels are speeches and presentations. They communicate information. The highest, most effective way of communicating isrepparttar 103240 Leadership Talk. The Leadership Talk does more than simply send information. It hasrepparttar 103241 leader establish a deep, human, emotional connection withrepparttar 103242 audience. That's where leaders communicate forrepparttar 103243 best results.

Here are a few examples of leadership talks. When Churchill said, "We will fight onrepparttar 103244 beaches ... " That was a leadership talk. When Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you ... " that was a leadership talk. When Reagan said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" That was a leadership talk.

You can come up with a lot of examples too. Go back to those moments whenrepparttar 103245 words of a leader inspired people to take ardent action, and you've probably put your finger on an authentic leadership talk.

Protection of the Intellectual Property in Russia

Written by Sergey Talpa

A Governmental commission, headed personally byrepparttar Prime Minister has been created in Russia recently in order to counteractrepparttar 103233 infringements inrepparttar 103234 sphere of intellectual property. As he stated earlier, little is done forrepparttar 103235 protection of intellectual property rights in Russia and, therefore, bothrepparttar 103236 rights owners andrepparttar 103237 state are actually robed. Are there any changes today in this area? What contribution has customs service made in order to protect business intellectual property rights? How canrepparttar 103238 consumers be sure that when buying medicines, products or clothes of known manufacturers they will getrepparttar 103239 goods that they expect?

It is certain thatrepparttar 103240 problem has not been solved instantly. Today Russia suffers severe economic damage caused byrepparttar 103241 infringements ofrepparttar 103242 author's and adjoining rights, misuses of inventions, trade marks, from uncollected tax revenues, and fromrepparttar 103243 impossibility to increase national economic production of goods because of unfair competition. Counterfeit aviation and automobile spare parts, fake combustive-lubricating materials, toys, medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, food are frequently dangerous to health and life ofrepparttar 103244 population, and pose real threat to national safety of this country.

Starting Point A legal base of interaction between customs bodies with other law-enforcement and control organs has been created in Russia; Rospatent, a State body which acts as federal enforcement authority inrepparttar 103245 field of intellectual property protection is now a part ofrepparttar 103246 team. Joint actions are carried out according torepparttar 103247 guidelines of interdepartmental recommendations and measures, aimed at ensuring intellectual property protection, that have been developed and approved byrepparttar 103248 Ministry of Internal Affairs, byrepparttar 103249 State Customs Committee, and by Federal Tax Police Service and coordinated withrepparttar 103250 State Office ofrepparttar 103251 Public Prosecutor of Russia. Multiple changes and modifications torepparttar 103252 legislation, regulating intellectual property protection have been adopted. They helped define customs and state regulations ofrepparttar 103253 foreign trade activity, administrative infringements, andrepparttar 103254 criminal legislation.

Suspicion of Illegal Trafficking The legitimate rights owner who has reasonable grounds to believe that his intellectual property rights could be infringed during customs clearance throughrepparttar 103255 border of Russia can file a complaint withrepparttar 103256 State Customs Committee (SCC) of Russia and requestrepparttar 103257 protection of his rights. The efficiency of this protection directly depends onrepparttar 103258 completeness ofrepparttar 103259 information submitted byrepparttar 103260 legal owner who can assist customs bodies in counterfeit products identification. Such data can include information onrepparttar 103261 places of import and customs registration of legal production, information on exporters, importers of legal production, on distinctive signs of counterfeit goods, etc. After consideration of application and, if required, after additional verification ofrepparttar 103262 stated information,repparttar 103263 documents issued byrepparttar 103264 State Customs Committee of Russia andrepparttar 103265 corresponding information are filed withrepparttar 103266 supervising customs bodies of Russia. As practice shows,repparttar 103267 infringements ofrepparttar 103268 intellectual property rights are quite often accompanied by violations of customs rules. The examples of such are: import of a cargo, for example, claimed to be used for non-commercial purposes, falsified documentation and customs declarations, undeclared or falsely declared products, as well as other infringements for which administrative responsibility is stipulated byrepparttar 103269 law.

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