Get Organised for Christmas... NOw!

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Hasn't time flown? Only six weeks to Christmas!

Now you may think that you're too busy to even contemplate that far ahead, however if you don't get your act together and prepare well in advance, instead of enjoying that time you could end up being totally stressed and miss valuable opportunities.

Your Business Checklist

Have you planned and bookedrepparttar venue for your team break-up? Do you know who will be having holidays and who will be working? Do clients, suppliers, colleagues etc. need to be informed of your opening hours over Christmas? If so, when and how will you notify them? Do you need to find outrepparttar 103714 availability of clients and suppliers over Christmas? Have you organised personal and professional development forrepparttar 103715 New Year? How are you going to motivaterepparttar 103716 team afterrepparttar 103717 holiday break? Have you arranged a planning day to set your goals for 2005? Who will you give gifts to this year? What marketing activities need to be organised inrepparttar 103718 lead up torepparttar 103719 end ofrepparttar 103720 year? What else do you need to do to ensure you are as prepared as possible? Your Personal Checklist

It's The Little Things That Count

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Have you ever been inrepparttar situation where you have become so focussed on achieving a goal that you have done so atrepparttar 103713 detriment of everything else in your life?

The 'All or Nothing' Syndrome In a coaching session I had with one of my clients this week, he realised that to completerepparttar 103714 goal he wanted to achieve byrepparttar 103715 end of September, that he has totally neglected every other area of his life.

He has fallen intorepparttar 103716 'all or nothing' syndrome. He has put all his eggs inrepparttar 103717 one basket. While he's been pursuing this goal he hasn't paid attention to anything else. His health and well-being has suffered and so has his relationships.

It's important to get some perspective and 'balance' in your life.You can become so focussed on achievement that you missrepparttar 103718 little things...and before you know it,repparttar 103719 little things become major problems.

We Don't Stumble Over Mountains "We don't stumble over mountains." It seems we stumble over small things mostly. Serious problems seem to begin with small things, and often at early ages. Homes, families, marriages are broken often by little things, annoyances, small acts of thoughtlessness, lack of courtesy and consideration, lack of honesty in little things - small falsehoods, small deceptions in accounting for time or money. The breaking point may add up to something major and dramatic, but leading to it are small steps: inconsideration, irritations, indiscretions.

Sometimes people protest their love and loyalty and offer to do almost anything to make amends, but leaverepparttar 103720 little things undone. There are those who profess they would lay down their lives, but who won't serve or sacrifice inrepparttar 103721 small day-to-day duties and discipline. Some haverepparttar 103722 all or nothing attitude. But life isn't like that. Those who insist on all or nothing are likely to have little or less.

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