Get Inside the News Reporter's Head

Written by Rusty Cawley

The first rule of PR Rainmaking is to approach reporters as customers.

Find out what they want, then give it to them in a way that benefits you and your company. This requires us to learn how to think like a news reporter.

For this journey, there may be no better guidebook than James B. Stewart’s “Followrepparttar Story.”

On first blush, this would appear to be nothing more than one more how-to book on how to write non-fiction articles for a mass audience.

But Stewart isrepparttar 121000 former editor ofrepparttar 121001 Page One Features forrepparttar 121002 Wall Street Journal, perhapsrepparttar 121003 most influential feature columns inrepparttar 121004 United States. He is a Pulitzer winner andrepparttar 121005 best-selling author ofrepparttar 121006 non-fiction books “Bloodsport,” “Den of Thieves” and “Blind Eye.”

His “Followrepparttar 121007 Story” provides a treasure trove of insights into how reporter conceive of their stories, and how they then sell those stories to their editors.

“Evenrepparttar 121008 best ideas need to be ‘sold,’” Stewart writes, “inrepparttar 121009 sense that editors have to be interested and readers ultimately must be persuaded to read.”

Since our aim is to develop stories that we can sell to reporters, who can then sell those stories to their editors, you can see how “Followrepparttar 121010 Story” is invaluable forrepparttar 121011 PR Rainmaker.

What the Heck Does Vincent van Gogh Have to do With Internet Marketing?

Written by Titus Hoskins

Whatrepparttar Heck Does Vincent van Gogh Have to do With Internet Marketing?

Everything and Nothing! On my modest marketing web site I have a copy of a Vincent van Gogh portrait I created for a charity fund raiser some years back. It makes my main page load slow and more than a few people have suggested I should remove it - besides they say - van Gogh and Internet Marketing. What'srepparttar 120999 connection?

It all boils down to stubborn old learning habits that never die!

Let me explain - I am trained as an artist - one ofrepparttar 121000 best ways to learn how to draw or paint is to copyrepparttar 121001 Masters. Spend a few hours copying a van Gogh, a Monet or a Durer and you will learn more in those few hours than months spent inrepparttar 121002 classroom pouring over color theories, composition charts, and paint mixtures.

Learn by seeing thrurepparttar 121003 eyes ofrepparttar 121004 Masters!

They have been there, done that, and they have solved allrepparttar 121005 major problems for you. It works perfectly and artists have been learning this way for centuries.

When I started internet marketing I appliedrepparttar 121006 same method. (Did I mention I was stubborn!) A few hours studyingrepparttar 121007 Masters - their techniques, their marketing tools, their mind sets - saved me and they will save you from months (if not years) of trial and error.

Findingrepparttar 121008 Masters wasrepparttar 121009 hardest part! With so many proclaimed and self-proclaimed 'gurus' onrepparttar 121010 web; findingrepparttar 121011 genuine article among allrepparttar 121012 'bovine deposits' was extremely difficult.

However, it wasn't long before some names kept popping up, again and again.

Mark Joyner, Neil Shearing, Michael Glaspie, Phil Wiley...!

But where do you find these masters of internet marketing in order to study and dissect their marketing techniques - and yes 'copy' their 'Methods'. After all, a few hours studying their methods will save you from months of trial and error.

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