Get Better Search Engine Rankings with RSS

Written by Satyajeet Hattangadi

RSS isrepparttar latest craze in online publishing. But what exactly is RSS?

RSS or Rich Site Syndication is a file format similar to XML, and is used by publishers to make their content available to others in a format that can be universally understood.

RSS allows publishers to "syndicate" their content throughrepparttar 105836 distribution of lists of hyperlinks.

It has actually been around for a while, but withrepparttar 105837 advent of spam filters and online blogging, it is fast becomingrepparttar 105838 choice of ezine publishers who want to get their message across to their subscribers.

However, not much attention has been given torepparttar 105839 advantages RSS provides for search engine optimization.

Why Search Engines Love RSS

Many SEO experts believe that sites optimized around themes,or niches, where all pages correspond to a particular subject or set of keywords, rank better inrepparttar 105840 search engines.

For example, if your website is designed to sell tennis rackets, your entire site content would be focused around tennis and tennis rackets.

Search engines like Google seem to prefer tightly-themed pages.

But where does RSS figure in all this?

RSS feeds, usually sourced from newsfeeds or blogs, often correspond to a particular theme or niche.

By using highly targeted RSS feeds, you can enhance your site's content without having to write a single line on your own.

It’s like having your own content writer - writing theme-based articles for you - for free!

How can RSS improve my Search Engine Rankings?

There are three powerful reasons why content from RSS Feeds is irresistible bait for search engine spiders.

1. RSS Feeds Provide Instant Themed Content

There are several publishers of RSS feeds that are specific to a particular theme.

Sincerepparttar 105841 feed is highly targeted, it could contain several keywords that you want to rank highly for.

Adding these keywords to your pages helps Google tag your site as one with relevant content.

2. RSS Feeds Provide Fresh, Updated Content

RSS feeds from large publishers are updated at specific intervals. Whenrepparttar 105842 publisher adds a new article torepparttar 105843 feed,repparttar 105844 oldest article is dropped.

These changes are immediately effected on your pages withrepparttar 105845 RSS feed as well. So you have fresh relevant content for your visitors every hour or day.

3. RSS Feeds Result in More Frequent Spidering


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