Get Advice From Albert Einstein

Written by Steve Gillman

What If You Could Ask Anyone For Help?

Have you ever noticed how sometimes you are at your most creative when you are interacting with another person? You and your friend or acquaintance feed off of each other's ideas and help each other clarify things. Well what about those times when you are alone, or you have no one you wish to share your ideas with? What can you do then to stimulate creative thought and to find elegant solutions to your problems? You could try talking to Albert Einstein.

Okay, you might want to talk to Andrew Carnegie or Lee Iacocca if your problem has to do with making a factory more productive. A question about love might be better addressed torepparttar Dalai Lama. The point is to have a conversation in your head with a historical person or expert who can help with your particular problem. Why would you want to do this?

Your Imagination Needs Form To Function

Whether you realize it or not, you have a powerful imagination. What you may not have, however, is a powerful way to use it. That is what you get with a conversation in your head; a way to accessrepparttar 128552 creative power of your mind. You will be surprized how often your imaginary Einstein comes up with an interesting idea, or asks you a question that produces something useful.

Excellence. The search continues

Written by Sally Higgins

Excellence is about being outstanding and about enjoying superior results. Excellence is about travelingrepparttar extra mile, leaving no stone unturned, and never settling for what you currently have. Regardless of how amazing your life is,repparttar 128550 power to be more and to have more is inside of you right now.

Who will you be next year? Who will you be in five years time? Who will you be in ten years time? Are you standing still or are you moving forward? What are you aiming for?

Your life is created from a series of choices. Your life evolves fromrepparttar 128551 decisions you make andrepparttar 128552 decisions you don’t make. You are a special, talented unique person and you deserve to enjoyrepparttar 128553 type of quality lifestyle that those in search of excellence achieve.

When we talk about self-improvement, we focus on what needs to be different. Our focus is onrepparttar 128554 areas where we need to get better results or to achieve better outcomes. The great thing about achieving excellence is that we can focus onrepparttar 128555 areas that we are already achieving great results in, and then we makerepparttar 128556 picture brighter, turnrepparttar 128557 volume higher and really get a sense of how it would feel if we magnified it.

Achieving excellence is all about leveraging off ofrepparttar 128558 great talents we already have. It’s about magnifyingrepparttar 128559 great results we already get. It’s about taking our strengths and multiplying them.

Think of money inrepparttar 128560 bank. Imagine you have some savings put away for your future. If you leaverepparttar 128561 money inrepparttar 128562 bank and don’t add to it or withdraw from it, there are two things that will determinerepparttar 128563 value of that money inrepparttar 128564 future. One isrepparttar 128565 amount of interest that is added torepparttar 128566 account andrepparttar 128567 other isrepparttar 128568 impact of inflation.

You can control interest to some extent, you can keep movingrepparttar 128569 money from account to account according to whererepparttar 128570 best interest rates are to be found. Inflation is an external factor that you have no control over. If your interest rate is higher thanrepparttar 128571 rate of inflation,repparttar 128572 value of your money increases in real terms. If inflation is higher thanrepparttar 128573 rate of interest,repparttar 128574 value of your money decreases in real terms.

You are that money inrepparttar 128575 bank. Today you (your qualities, your strengths, your values, etc) may well berepparttar 128576 equivalent of a small fortune. Things will change around you over time. You will form new relationships, make new friends, lose contact with some old friends, receive employment offers, learn new skills, read books that will have influence over you, make connections that will offerrepparttar 128577 choices of new paths, etc.

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