Geotargeting Delivers for Local Business

Written by Sharon Fling

For all we hear aboutrepparttar global reach ofrepparttar 106302 Internet, people need to know what's happening where they live. For most people, life is local. Ifrepparttar 106303 Internet is to be useful for everybody, it must be too.

Thankfullyrepparttar 106304 local online market has finally started to take off. As more local information becomes available online, people are starting to look atrepparttar 106305 Internet as something useful instead of a passing fad.

And where people go, advertisers are sure to follow. The amount of money spent on local online advertising has steadily increased inrepparttar 106306 last few years. According to The Kelsey Group (, geocommerce, or local advertising revenues, are expected to reach about $50 billion by 2006.

Here's another reasonrepparttar 106307 local online market is heating up: technology. The ability to target online users by geography - Geotargeting -- allows websites to present ads only to consumers who live in certain geographic location. Local advertisers can now be sure that only local eyeballs will see their ad.

Localized advertising is very targeted, and can be used to quickly and cheaply test online campaigns. Local merchants can use a combination of online and offline advertising to drive traffic to their store and website.

Geotargeting has great promise, but it's not without problems. The main issue is accuracy. There is a big difference inrepparttar 106308 accuracy of methods used to target based on user location.


- I.P. Address

Targeting based on I.P. address (a unique string of numbers that identifies a computer onrepparttar 106309 Internet) This method works by usingrepparttar 106310 I.P. address to identify a user's geographical location. It can home in on a user's city - sometimes even their zip code - withinrepparttar 106311 U.S. and internationally. Many ofrepparttar 106312 major Geotargeting vendors use this method, including, a major player inrepparttar 106313 geolocation market.

There are a couple of weaknesses inrepparttar 106314 I.P. method. The biggest problem: for various reasons, not all I.P. addresses can be mapped to a geographic location.

A good example isrepparttar 106315 AOL user population. Because ofrepparttar 106316 way AOL handles their web requests, all of their users appear to be coming from Virginia. Of course that's not true.

So when it comes to Geotargeting by I.P. address, all AOL users have to be eliminated. That's a big chunk ofrepparttar 106317 American population.

Jumpstart Your Local Business -- Get Online

Written by Sharon Fling

If you're not marketing your local business online, opportunity is passing you by. So many people focus onrepparttar Internet's global reach that its potential benefit to local business is often overlooked. Global information is great, but people's day-to-day lives are local. Now that so much information is available online, more consumers seerepparttar 106301 Internet as something useful instead of a passing fad.

Here are 5 ways that consumers are usingrepparttar 106302 Internet:


According to Messaging Online, there were around 891 million email addresses atrepparttar 106303 beginning of 2001. By now there are probably 1 billion or more. Almost everyone has an email address, or knows someone who does. It's fast becoming as common asrepparttar 106304 telephone, and just as necessary. Even if you don't have a website, you can use email to communicate with your customers. Send them useful information, coupons, and special offers. If you don't, someone else will.


For many consumers,repparttar 106305 internet has becomerepparttar 106306 great equalizer. They no longer have to takerepparttar 106307 word of a salesperson -- allrepparttar 106308 information they need to make an intelligent decision is online. Consumers can research everything from products to retail services, and make sure they getrepparttar 106309 best deal. But unless your business is online, it's unlikely they will find you.


U.S. retail e-commerce sales forrepparttar 106310 first quarter of 2002 were almost $10 billion, and will top $44 billion by year's end. Clearly, plenty of Internet users have gotten comfortable with spending money online. Top picks include books, travel, music, clothing, Computers, movies/videos, consumer electronics, and health products. But if your business isn't online, you won't get any of those e- commerce dollars.

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