Generating a positive ROI from PPC

Written by Karl Norris

Appearing onrepparttar first page ofrepparttar 128078 major search engines for your key search terms is no doubtrepparttar 128079 best and cheapest way to drive relevant traffic to your site. However, if you’ve got a new site or are operating in a highly competitive sector where achieving decent rankings, pay per click advertising can also prove to be a cost effective way to generate visitors and customers.

So how do you go about generating a positive return from pay per click?

Keyword list –repparttar 128080 biggerrepparttar 128081 better Target specific keywords that relate to your products rather than bidding on very general terms. These are unlikely to prove cost effective, as you’ll be up against players with very deep pockets. Large keyword lists can be built by using two, three or four word search term phrases. Userepparttar 128082 search term suggestion tools below to generate a comprehensive list.

Use search term suggestion tools Not surprisingly,repparttar 128083 best search term suggestion tools are provided byrepparttar 128084 companies that offer pay per click advertising. I userepparttar 128085 suggestion tools offered by Google, Overture and Espotting. Merging these lists before submitting will ensure all keywords are submitted torepparttar 128086 providers you choose.

Listings for company name Don’t forget to bid on terms that include your company name and variations thereof. This is worthwhile for several reasons. It will ensure your site is in top position if someone does a search on your site name,repparttar 128087 keyword is likely to be available forrepparttar 128088 minimum bid, thus generating a good return on investment, and it prevents competitors from achieving listings above or next to your listing.

Bid on lower value search terms The search term suggestion tools rankrepparttar 128089 keywords onrepparttar 128090 number of searches they have received for them inrepparttar 128091 previous month. Always bid on those keywords that generate low levels of traffic, as they will often require a very low bid to ensure top position. Whilstrepparttar 128092 volume of traffic might be low, conversion is likely to be much higher than forrepparttar 128093 most popular phrases.

Has Google Lost the Plot?

Written by Courtney Heard

Withrepparttar help of MSN, recently I’ve been reminiscing aboutrepparttar 128077 Google of old. Remember those days? When you could take a good quality site, add a few keywords, get a few incoming links and bada-bing, bada-boom, it’d be #1 on Google? Rememberrepparttar 128078 old days, pre-Florida, pre-sandbox? The days when we, as search engine optimization specialists, didn’t feel like a private schoolgirl smoking inrepparttar 128079 bathroom? When we didn’t feel likerepparttar 128080 iron fist would come crashing down at any moment? Yes, those wererepparttar 128081 good old days. And MSN has finally brought them back, though on a much smaller scale.

Google hit it right onrepparttar 128082 nose back then. Search results were almost never irrelevant - venturing torepparttar 128083 second page of results was an event that drew gasps. There was never, ever any reason to leave Google and search forrepparttar 128084 same query on another search engine. Satisfied usersrepparttar 128085 world over, it wasrepparttar 128086 search engine of choice almost everywhere searches were conducted. I myself never strayed from Google, I was loyal and I was rewarded for my loyalty with consistently relevant results.

But has Google taken their quest for perfection a few steps too far? Case in point: - this web site isrepparttar 128087 official site of an author. Search on MSN for his name, “jimmy lerner” and his web site isrepparttar 128088 top result. Now, tryrepparttar 128089 same search on Google. The top results are pages devoted to reviewing his book, book stores selling his book, a press release I sent out to announce his new site and a few times I’ve even seen sites show up inrepparttar 128090 top ten that simply have a link to his site from theirs and are completely unrelated. His site has been jumping fromrepparttar 128091 second page torepparttar 128092 first and back again.

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