Generate Your Knowledge into Profit Effectively With Article Distribution

Written by Eric McArdle

One ofrepparttar most effective promotion techniques for online marketing is writing articles surrounding your website or products topic or function. Presenting your expertise in a content filled, straight torepparttar 120540 point article will get people to click through to your website

So, what do you write about?

Write about what you know of that can be beneficial to lets say your customers, your website visitors, or your ezine subscribers. If your expertise is dog grooming, write up an article onrepparttar 120541 best dog care supplies andrepparttar 120542 easiest way to keep your dog looking good. Now, I can keep on going with examples, but I think you getrepparttar 120543 idea!

Remember to leave your signature and permission to reprintrepparttar 120544 article atrepparttar 120545 bottom of your article. If somebody decides they want to use your article in a publication or post it on their website, they will keep your resource box intact and you will get more added exposure and a better chance for people to find your website. Of course, you can have them contact you for permission to reprintrepparttar 120546 article, but this may hold things up!

Ok, so you've got an article written, and you're ready to get some added promotion, what's next? You need to get your article out using a few article directories. Some article directories that you can check out and submit your article to are:

Marketing Objectives for Your Web Site

Written by Bobette Kyle

Do you have marketing objectives for your Web site? With objectives to help overcome your main online challenges you can work smarter, not harder.

Think of your Web site objective asrepparttar "big picture". It isrepparttar 120539 basis for a marketing plan and, in general terms, answersrepparttar 120540 questions:

"How can I userepparttar 120541 site to overcome my business's main Internet related challenge?" and/or "What isrepparttar 120542 purpose of my site?" When setting marketing objectives, keep your site's business model and customers' decision-making stages in mind.

Business Models

The business model defines how your Web site fits into your business - how it will help your company grow. Direct revenue is a popular Web site business model, but it is notrepparttar 120543 only one. Some business models include:

- Direct Revenue / e-Commerce

Some ofrepparttar 120544 most known Web site objectives relate to e-commerce or other types of direct revenue fromrepparttar 120545 site. That is,repparttar 120546 objective is to establish a direct source of revenue from orders or advertising space.

- Build Brand Image

A long-term marketing objective for your site could be to improve sales by building an image for your product, brand, and/or company. Increasingly, this is an explicit goal for large companies with ample budgets.

Small-budget companies can follow suit on a more affordable scale by building an image duringrepparttar 120547 natural course of marketing. You can do this by consistently presenting similar design elements and "personality" at each point of contact withrepparttar 120548 world - whether that contact be virtual or physical.

- Enhance Customer Service

Your site can increase revenue indirectly by improving customer service. When customers are more satisfied, they tend to spreadrepparttar 120549 word about your products as well as buy more often themselves.

Customers often do product research on a Web site then later place orders via catalogue, telephone, sales representatives, a physical retail store, mail, and/or fax. In all of these cases, a Web site indirectly contributes to buildingrepparttar 120550 business.

- Lower Operating Costs

A Web site can help your business by lowering costs. Automated customer service functions - Web-based FAQ, order status reports, product specifications, etc. - can lowerrepparttar 120551 number of customer service calls, reducing customer service labor costs.

A Web presence can also lower operating costs by streamlining communication with your business partners. Business-to-business companies can create secure Web space to communicate and collaborate with customers.

It is even possible to have individual, private sites for major clients. A central "meeting place" that archives communications and other customer-specific information can cut down on administrative costs related to "phone tag", inquiries, and/orrepparttar 120552 need to consciously keep all players "inrepparttar 120553 loop".

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