Generate More Sales in ANY Affiliate Program – Part Five

Written by Gillian Tarawhiti

Affiliates make money in pretty much two ways, firstly by direct sales (straight forward, no need to elaborate on this) and secondly by commissions from on-selling.

In this article I will be focusing onrepparttar affiliates, better known as your down line, your team, your partners, your network.

There are several different types of affiliates,repparttar 102203 elusive Super Affiliate, Active Affiliates from Direct Sales, Active Affiliates who On-Sell and inactive affiliates.

The Active Affiliate from Direct Sales arerepparttar 102204 ones who join up under you and maintain their subscription torepparttar 102205 program/service but don’t on-sell to others. Giving you Direct Sale Commission.

The Active Affiliate who On-Sell’s arerepparttar 102206 ones that provide you passive income giving you a percentage of their sales, this is known as TIER income. It is estimated that less than 5% of your Active Affiliates from Direct Sales will become On-Sellers. However, in saying that,repparttar 102207 higherrepparttar 102208 commission onrepparttar 102209 product/servicerepparttar 102210 higher percentage rate for Active Affiliate from Direct Sales to become On-Sellers.

So, lets look at a scenario, 25 Active Affiliates join under you, selling web hosting and you get $10.00 per direct sale as commission per month, assumingrepparttar 102211 Active Affiliate maintains their subscription. That’s and extra $250 a month in your pocket. Not a lot of money, BUT if you repeat this process in 9 other programs then your monthly income increases to $2500.00.

Guide to Internet Business - Concept and Opportunities

Written by Steven O. Ng

When deciding what kind of internet business you want to do, there are a few factors you need to look at before plunging into building your website.


The first thing you need to consider is exactly what kind of business you want to build. There are generally two types of internet businesses out there: a full-fledged online store selling a product or service, or an informational website earning income from affiliate commissions and advertisements.

i) You might want to consider setting up an online store if you fall under one ofrepparttar following categories:

- You have a product that you are already selling offline, and want to userepparttar 102202 internet to increase your market.

- You provide a service (such as consulting or web design) and want to userepparttar 102203 internet to sell your services and increase your clientele.

- You do not have a product or service, but want to start an online store by partnering with a product manufacturer or wholesaler.

ii) Onrepparttar 102204 other hand, you might want to set up an informational website and earn from affiliate commissions and advertisements. This is possible if you fall under one ofrepparttar 102205 following:

- You want to create a website about something that you really like or are interested in.

- You want to promote an affiliate program or product that you like and want to tellrepparttar 102206 world about.

- You want to provide information or compile advice from various sources regarding something that you are good at.


Another very important factor is your interest inrepparttar 102207 topic or industry in which you want to do your internet business. It is not advisable to start an internet business relating to a lucrative industry such as online casinos, but you have no interest whatsoever in casinos, and worse if you have moral issues withrepparttar 102208 running of casinos.

I just want you to be aware of some ofrepparttar 102209 common pitfalls you might encounter if you get involved in something that you are not quite interested in:

- If you have not much interest in a topic or industry, it will show inrepparttar 102210 content and quality of your website. It takes someone with considerable interest to perform good research onrepparttar 102211 topic, and to create a website full of relevant and personal information and content.

- Without continued interest, you will slowly start to find excuses not to work on your website. And internet business is a continuous love affair. It requires constant updates and internet marketing effort to enjoy good success. If you've lost interest and start to ignorerepparttar 102212 business, your profits will also start to decline.

In short, internet business (like any other business) requires genuine effort and interest in order to succeed. And it is a lifelong love affair, not a one night stand!


However, interest isn't everything. The income potential is important too. After all, it's no use laboring over something you love with no profits to show for it. Butrepparttar 102213 good thing is that internet businesses are so cheap to start that it doesn't take much to make a profit!

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