Generate 33% More Job Interviews with this Powerful Letter

Written by Anthony Ranieri

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Generate 33% More Job Interviews with this Powerful Letter By Anthony Ranieri ==========================================

The follow-up letter is a powerful tool often ignored by applicants during job search. Written effectively, it can add weight to your application, particularly when a short list for second or third interviews is being determined byrepparttar 130856 recruiter. The follow-up letter has several uses:

* A method for continued dialogue between yourself andrepparttar 130857 recruiter. * An opportunity to restate your skills and experience.

* Evidence that you have consideredrepparttar 130858 position seriously and wish to reaffirm your interest.

* It's a proactive document, providing a vehicle for selling yourself further.

* The ability to offer solutions to key issues and objectives discussed duringrepparttar 130859 interview.

The structure for your follow-up letter is similar to your covering letter with some minor variation as follows.

* Commence your letter with a thank you statement in appreciation ofrepparttar 130860 recruiter's time.

* Include references to key selection criteria discussed duringrepparttar 130861 interview in bullet-point form. This will confirm you have paid attention torepparttar 130862 recruiter's comments.

* Be proactive by offering solutions to key issues and objectives discussed duringrepparttar 130863 interview. * Reaffirm that you are still interested and challenged byrepparttar 130864 position. It will reflect your enthusiasm.

7 Tips to Being a Thriving Person

Written by Virginia Reeves

A successful person is one who thrives on learning, attempting, and reaching new goals. A thriving person goes beyond just getting by. They have an attitude of abundance and are willing to share it. Take a look at some ofrepparttar attributes.

1. A strong sense of self and a healthy self-esteem are integral parts of your personality. The cornerstones of your foundation are integrity, common sense, willingness to try, and persistence. Skills and talents are recognized and utilized.

2. Self-improvement is not just a word, it is a lifestyle. You are a seeker of knowledge of all types. You absorb what you can from any type of experience. Allrepparttar 130854 senses are used to keep learning and growing. You think like a reporter asking those famous questions of who, what, when, why, where, and how. Spend some time to play like a child - just forrepparttar 130855 pure pleasure of it. All aspects are needed for a well-balanced life.

3. You take responsibility and are accountable for your thoughts and deeds. You refrain from openly blaming others, even if they wererepparttar 130856 cause ofrepparttar 130857 problem. Reliability, honesty, and trustworthiness are what other people come to expect of you; and rarely (if ever) are they disappointed. You take pride in who you are and what you do.

4. A thriving person seeks challenges partly forrepparttar 130858 thrill of it but also becauserepparttar 130859 need to and desire to pushrepparttar 130860 boundaries and not have limitations is important. What appears to be a risk to an outsider is, as a rule, a well-thought out action plan. The popular expression today is to step out-of-the-box.

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